Michael Cohen Speaks Out Against Trump's Racial Comments

Michael Cohen Speaks Out Against Trump's Racial Comments
Cover Image Source: Getty Images | Photos by (L) Spencer Platt: (R) Justin Sullivan

During an intense criticism on MSNBC's "The Beat," former Trump fixer Michael Cohen aimed at Donald Trump, citing Trump's growing racial remarks that are similar to Adolf Hitler. Cohen continued by calling Trump the "most dangerous person" in the nation and a "dictator wannabe" who purposefully appeals to the most extreme elements of his political base.

Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Spencer Platt
Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Spencer Platt


Cohen made an appearance on MSNBC following Trump's divisive remarks regarding immigrants, in which he said that they were "destroying the blood of our country." The remarks sparked alarm because they echoed those made by Hitler just before he came to power, per The Wrap. Trump denies parallels between Hitler and himself, falsely claiming that Hitler intended it "in a much different way." He also says he never read the book written by Hitler. Cohen criticized Trump for adopting more severe language, and spoke about Trump's assertion that he had never read Hitler's Mein Kampf.

"There is no depth to which Donald will sink in order to continue to stir up his base," Cohen said while appearing on MSNBS’s The Beat. He added, "of course, Donald has not read Mein Kampf. Donald doesn’t read. I mean, it’s not that he didn’t want to read it. It’s just that unless it’s in CliffsNotes, or unless somebody read it to him, Donald does not read."



Cohen maintained that Trump is still accountable for his remarks despite his lack of involvement with the book, claiming that he is conscious of the power of his words. “You’ve got guys like Steve Miller, who are writing these speeches for him and discussing it with him. He knows exactly what he’s saying.”

Cohen shared his viewpoint about Trump's inner circle, bringing up political advisor Stephen Miller in particular. Miller, who is well-known for his far-right opinions and connections to white nationalism, has played a significant role in influencing Trump's speeches, some of which have come under fire for having overtly racist and xenophobic themes.

Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Scott Olson
Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Scott Olson


Cohen also related an event from In his 2020 book Disloyal: A Memoir. Cohen revealed Trump stopped a German employee of the Trump Organization and said, "I bet your family chased Michael’s family through the Red Forest." Cohen asked Trump, glancing at him, if he was aware that his father had survived the Holocaust.

"He is playing to the lowest denominator of Americans that exist in this country, the racist, antisemitic animals that exist in that MAGA world. That’s who he’s playing to," Cohen remarked. "And he will only go lower each and every time that he says something and he generates more and more conversation and he becomes front page news. He will then steep and go much lower to the point that even I can’t tell you how low he will go."

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