Donald Trump’s Second Term as President Would Be ‘Worse Than First’, Warns Former Ambassador

Donald Trump’s Second Term as President Would Be ‘Worse Than First’, Warns Former Ambassador
Cover Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Ron Sachs-Pool

Donald Trump has been at the center of attention lately, especially due to his name being revealed four times in the Jeffrey Epstein documents. Although he’s strongly denied any sort of association, he still finds himself being probed for clarity. Nonetheless, he’s deeply focused on solving his legal problems and more importantly, his campaign. The former President is staying true to his motto of ‘Never Surrendering’ by continuing to address crowds. Furthermore, he’s constantly emphasized the possibility of regaining the power of Office. However, not everyone is feeling thrilled about his possible reinstatement to President and has concerns should he return to The White House. 

Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Paul Morigi
Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Paul Morigi


Speaking to Sky News reports, a former UK Ambassador to the US, Sir Nigel Sheinwald, elaborates on the many possibilities of Trump’s return to power. Sir Sheinwald reportedly carried out his duties in Washington between 2007 and 2012. He issued a possibly chilling warning that the world would witness a “supercharged Trump” if he “gets the second wind of re-election.” The former ambassador had quite a few deep thoughts on the matter and claimed that supporters across the world were being “aghast” about his ongoing campaign. Sir Sheinwald also discussed the aftermath in his home country, Britain.when he first won the elections back in 2016. He said: “The first term was bad enough for the alliance, for the UK.” He claimed that Trump allegedly “humiliated” the aforementioned country. Additionally, he pointed out: “He disregarded the importance of NATO [North Atlantic Treaty Organization].” The former ambassador went on to look further into the future involving Trump’s possible re-election. 



He painted a rather dark picture using the analogy of movie sequels by saying, “I think that the intervening years mean that this is going to be a sequel, and sequels are very often worse than the original films.” Reflecting on this thought,t he claimed Trump would eventually transition to being an “unfettered second-term president." Furthermore, Sir Sheinwald believes this would trigger a chain of “vengeful” activities in the nation should he take office again.



He concluded his thoughts with yet another reflection from the past concerning Trump’s history of foreign relations. Sir Sheinwald strongly urged: “And I think we have to take seriously his threats in relation to Ukraine, in defunding Ukraine in relation to NATO.” He added, “Not putting the money in, that’s necessary to keep it going.” His warning has indeed left many pondering the gravity of Trump’s possible re-election.

Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Scott Olson/
Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Scott Olson/


Nonetheless, his campaign appears to be gaining momentum, with ample room for success in the process. Despite the tumultuous legal affairs, Trump continues to take the lead in several polls against his rival, Joe Biden. Whether or not Trump would rise to the occasion of hopefully winning the election as he genuinely desires or be stuck out of the race entirely remains to be seen.

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