Kim Kardashian Stolen Jewelry Rumored To Help Fund Terrorism [Debunked]

Kim Kardashian’s stolen jewelry is not helping to fund terrorism. Radar Online started the rumor.

“Kim Kardashian is trapped in a terrorism nightmare after learned cops have linked her stolen gems to the coffers of Islamic jihadists!”

A top Interpol source allegedly claimed that they have connected the diamonds snatched from Kardashian’s Paris hotel robbery to men with ties to radical Islamic terrorists. Commenters after the article are suspicious of the story.

“OMG – you will spin anything to get KK into a story,” says Pat0939.

“Absolutely ridiculous!” exclaims Oleevia.

However, Gossip Cop says the story is complete bogus.

Kim Kardashian's jewelry was stolen
Kim Kardashian’s stolen jewelry is not helping to fund terrorism. [Image by Jason Merritt/Getty Images]

“Kim Kardashian’s stolen jewelry is funding terrorism?! That’s the outrageous claim that surfaced on Tuesday. Gossip Cop looked into the crazy allegation,” says columnist Shari Weiss, adding that there is absolutely no credible evidence of this rumor.

This isn’t the only ridiculous Kim Kardashian rumor that has been spread recently. According to the print edition of Life & Style, Kardashian wants to successfully start her own music career. Gossip Cop summarizes their story.

“According to Life & Style, ‘Kanye West could soon have some competition on the Billboard charts from his wife.’ The tabloid alleges that even though Kardashian failed with her 2011 song ‘Jam,’ she’s ready to give her music another try.”

A supposed source said that Kim would love to have a huge hit, and she thinks, given her fame and popularity, that there is a massive paycheck awaiting her. However, Gossip Cop has completely discounted the story.

Kim Kardashian is not going into music
Kim Kardashian is not trying to score a career as a pop star. [Image by Pascal Le Segretain/Getty Images]

“Kim Kardashian is not launching a music career, despite a new report. Gossip Cop can exclusively correct this. We’re told it’s entirely false,” says columnist Michael Lewittes, who adds that not only has Life & Style created false stories about the Kardashians before, but that Kardashian’s rep has denied she is trying to jumpstart a music career.

Meanwhile, according to Bustle, Kim Kardashian recently did something that sounds hurtful to her nails.

“Now, Kim Kardashian’s pierced nails are what’s making headlines for their fierce appearance, but they’re also making people do a double take because of how incredibly impractical they are. The seemingly false nails with gold hoops pierced through may look cool and may be great for a runway, in real life, it’s going to have people asking, how she even function?”

The author notes that a lot of people may criticize Kardashian for this, but that the nails are probably going to be used for a photoshoot. Still, Twitter wasn’t too thrilled about Kardashian’s latest look. Some pointed out that Kardashian isn’t starting a new trend; it already started in the 1990s. Others just thought it was simply disgusting.

Meanwhile, some who want Kim Kardashian and Kanye West to divorce keep saying they will do so because of their political beliefs. While Kardashian was a huge Clinton supporter, West appeared to support Donald Trump, and he even met him at Trump Tower after the election.

Kim Kardashian has praised most of the causes that Donald Trump is against, so it is very doubtful that we’ll see Kim meet with Donald Trump soon, although in the Kardashian world, anything can happen.

[Featured Image by Michael Loccisano/Getty Images]

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