Russian Plane Crash Might Be A Terrorist Attack

A Russian plane crash has claimed 92 lives. Soon after the takeoff, the plane flying to Syria crashed into the Black Sea. According to investigators, every possible reason behind the crash is being looked into. That includes an angle of a terrorist attack.

The Russian rescue teams consisting of drones, helicopters, and ships searched for victims. The rescue teams include around 3,000 people in 32 ships and a number of helicopters. According to the defense ministry, submersibles and drones are being used for the search.

No one on board is believed to have survived the Russian plane crash. There were eight crew members and 84 passengers on board. The Tu-154 took off at 5:25 a.m. from Sochi, the city that hosted the 2014 Winter Games. The weather was good, but it took two minutes for the plane to crash into the Black Sea.

Fragments of the plane were found around 1.5 km from the shore. According to Russian Transport Minister Maxim Sokolov, the rescue teams have found 11 bodies and fragments of bodies so far. Everything found has been taken to the Sochi shores.

Russian Plane Crash
Alexandra, a friend of Alexander Razumov, a member of Alexandrov Ensemble, mourns at the well-known military choir’s building in Moscow, Russia, Sunday, Dec. 25, 2016. [Image by Pavel Golovkin/AP Images]

Sokolov was asked if there was a possibility of a terrorist involvement in the crash. He said every possibility behind the crash was being investigated, including any terrorist links. However, investigators initially denied any involvement of terrorism in the Russian plane crash. The Russian minister’s statement contradicts with the investigators’.

According to initial findings, investigators have not seen any evidence of fire. Nor have they found any evidence of an explosion in the recovered wreckage. The Russian defense ministry was in charge of the plane. Lawmakers argued that the plane had the right security on board. Security is particularly strict in Sochi which is frequented by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Russian Plane Crash
People light candles in memory of victims of the crashed plane in Sochi, Russia, Sunday, Dec. 25, 2016. [Image by Viktor Klyushin/AP Images]

The Russian president declared Monday as a day of nationwide mourning. He gave a televised speech after the crash and promised to do everything to support the families of the victims. He also said there would be a “thorough investigation.” The Russian plane crash is being considered a national tragedy because of the important people who were on board.

The plane was carrying the Alexandrov Ensemble. The world-famous choir was supposed to perform at Hemeimeem air base in Latakia, Syria. The military plane had a physician who was world famous for her charity in war zones. It also had a number of prominent Russian journalists on board, CBS News reported.

According to Sokolov, it was difficult to locate the crashed Tu-154 on the seabed since its flight recorders did not have modern radio beacons. The Tu-154 is heavily used in Russia and abroad. The defense ministry said that the plane that crashed had its maintenance and factory checkups done earlier in 2016.

This happens to be the second national tragedy for Russia in less than a week. Andrei Karlov, the Russian ambassador to Turkey, was fatally shot on camera earlier. A 22-year-old Turkish police officer, who shot Karlov during a public event shouted slogans related to the Syrian civil war. The investigation is going on to find out if it was a lone wolf attack, or there were more people involved.

Sokolov said it would be premature to say if the Russian plane crash was a terrorist act. However, he said that the investigators were looking into “the entire spectrum and almost any possible causes.”

Military Spokesman Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov talked to reporters after the national tragedy took place. He informed that the pilot who was responsible for flying the plane was “first class.” The Tu-154 did not send any distress signal either. Probably, that is why that Russian plane crash is raising so many questions which need to be answered.

[Featured Image by Mikhail Klimentyev, Sputnik, Kremlin Pool Photo/AP Images]

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