Couple Offers Surrogate $10,000 To Abort Their Baby

A couple offered a surrogate mother $10,000 to abort their baby after an ultrasound revealed health concerns. The surrogate mother, Crystal Kelly, refused to terminate the pregnancy.

Kelly met the couple through a surrogacy agency. Having suffered fertility issues in the past, the 29-year-old wanted to help a couple facing similar problems. The agency suggested a couple who had previously conceived three children using in-vitro fertilization, with the help of a surrogate.

As reported by CNN, Kelly arranged a meeting with the couple to discuss a surrogacy. Kelly met with the couple at a local playground, where she noted how loving and attentive the parents were. Feeling confident in her decision, Kelly did not delay agreeing to carry the couple’s fourth child.

Kelly soon underwent the procedure, which included implanting two embryos provided by the couple. One of the embryos was successfully implanted on the first try. Kelly and the couple were overjoyed that the procedure went so smoothly.

The couple kept in close contact with Kelly through phone calls and e-mail. As Kelly approached her fifth month, they all looked forward to the results of a scheduled ultrasound.

Unfortunately the results were not positive. An initial ultrasound revealed that the baby suffered from “serious heart defects,” along with several other medical issues.

Doctors ordered another ultrasound, which the parents agreed to attend. The ultrasound confirmed that the baby had a cleft palate, an apparent cyst forming in the brain, and serious heart problems.

The specialists assured Kelly and the couple that while the medical concerns were serious, the baby would most likely survive. Unfortunately there was little chance that the baby would live a “normal life.”

At the suggestion of Leslie Ciarlegio, a genetic counselor, the parents encouraged Kelly to terminate the pregnancy. The parents stated that their decision was based on humanity as they did not want their unborn child to suffer. Out of desperation, the couple eventually offered Kelly money to terminate the pregnancy.

Kelly refused the parents offer of $10,000 to abort their baby. She was reportedly informed by the adoption agency that if she carried the baby to term, she would be considered the child’s legal parent. Although it was not her initial intention to be come a parent, Kelly could not abort the baby.

As discussed in Kelly’s blog, the parents filed a court case against Kelly in Connecticut, where both parties resided at the time. They changed their mind and decided to pursue custody of their unborn child.

Faced with increased pressure, Kelly eventually moved to Michigan, where surrogacy contracts are not considered legally binding. As legal custodian of the child, Kelly eventually contacted a couple that was interested in adopting a baby with special needs.

“Baby S” is now residing with the adoptive parents and is “a lively, thriving little girl.” The couple that offered the surrogate $10,000 to abort their baby has exhausted all legal means to gain custody.

[Image via deviantART]

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