Planned Parenthood President Says Ivanka Trump Needs To ‘Stand For Women’

The recent GOP healthcare bill hurt Planned Parenthood in a major way, as it planned to cut funding to the organization, and now the organization’s head is calling out Ivanka Trump to help save women. Ivanka Trump is the daughter of President Donald Trump, who took office officially earlier this year. One of the major things his campaign promised was to repeal and replace Obamacare. Most Republicans were into the idea, but the problem initially was that there was no new healthcare plan to vote on.

Finally the GOP came out with the American Health Care Act, which promised to kill off the Obamacare penalty for not having insurance and even lower premiums. However, this was hurt when the Congressional Budget Office found that older people would pay higher premiums than the young, and that premiums overall would actually increase the next few years before they would ever go back down. However, the biggest problem was with the healthcare side of the bill.

There was an idea to kill off the Obamacare “ten essential benefits” program. This part of Obamacare forced insurance companies to cover just about every need a person might have from emergency room visits and prescriptions, to maternal and mental care. However, with Republicans wanting to remove these benefits, it meant that healthcare companies did not have to offer the major things healthcare plans are used for.

[Image by John Locher/AP Images]

Political analysts felt that healthcare plans would go up, as people added needs to their healthcare plan, such as maternal care. On top of this, Planned Parenthood was going to no longer be funded by the federal government, due to Republicans being pro-life and not supporting abortion or the organizations that help perform them. Planned Parenthood does offer various other things for women, such as low cost mammograms and even lower-cost contraception medication.

However, due to what Planned Parenthood is synonymous with, the funding was going to be removed. That pushed the president of the company, Cecile Richards, to call out Ivanka Trump, saying she needs to “stand for women” in face of the GOP bill. She spoke to Buzzfeed News and called Ivanka Trump’s silence on the bill “deafening.” However, Ivanka has been pretty vocal about her standpoint with women and many believe she is the reason the female voice is heard at all in the Trump cabinet.

It seems even President Trump himself enjoys having her there to help out and give her voice, as she now has an office in the White House and has been given security clearance. Her official role is not yet been announced, however, which has worried a number of people within the Republican party. This is especially due to her Democrat affiliation, which is most likely why Planned Parenthood called upon her to help change things.

Ivanka wrote a piece in the Wall Street Journal last fall where she detailed then-presidential candidate Donald Trump’s plan regarding maternity leave and child care. She seemed to be a big part of the campaign, especially when it came to Trump and the thought that he might be too sexist to be president. Kellyanne Conway and Ivanka Trump helped to curb this enough, which is most likely why he was able to get significant female votes along with his promise to help cut down healthcare premiums.

[Image by Evan Vucci/AP Images]

Before the GOP bill was denied a vote on Friday, Richards claimed that some women would lose their lives if the GOP healthcare bill was passed. She claimed “any woman who votes for this bill is betraying every woman in America.” However, not just women, but many men did not want to vote yes on the American Health Care Act. This was why the bill never went anywhere. It is widely assumed that President Trump and the GOP will come back with a revised plan eventually.

However, the Washington Post claimed that Trump might very well work with Democrats to help craft something. It is not known whether or not he and the Democrats will try and tweak Obamacare, or come up with a new plan. This is sort of good news for Ivanka Trump, as she most likely would not need to be a voice for women if Democrats are involved, as they would most likely all fight for things like maternal care and women’s healthcare overall.

Obamacare’s 10 essential healthcare benefits would most likely remain with them involved, meaning maternal care would be provided along with the others. Ivanka Trump may be in the Trump cabinet of sorts, but there is no official role, so many wonder what she is actually doing within the administration. However, with her there, many believe she will be a major voice that President Trump will listen to. Ivanka Trump will be looked to in a major way for quite some time it seems.

[Featured Image By Paul Sancya/AP Images]

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