Anna Duggar Divorce: Josh Duggar Getting Dumped After Failure To Get Anna Pregnant With Fifth Child?

Anna Duggar is ready to divorce Josh Duggar, according to a recent report. Anna stood by her man in the aftermath of two sex scandals, but now she’s allegedly decided that her marriage is no longer worth trying to save.

According to the Daily Mail, a Duggar family source recently told the print edition of In Touch Weekly that Anna Duggar is preparing to divorce her husband of eight years. The 28-year-old mother of four allegedly wants to get the divorce process started as soon as possible.

“She will see a lawyer in the next few weeks to have divorce papers drawn up so she can rid herself of Josh,” the insider revealed.

This news will certainly stun Counting On fans who recall Anna Duggar’s impassioned refusal to end her marriage after she found out that Josh had been unfaithful to her. As Us Weekly reports, she opened up about her decision last year during the first season of the Duggar family’s rebooted reality show. The Christian stay-at-home mom explained that her religious views about marriage were her main reason for staying.

“I know there are those that feel I have every right to walk away from this marriage, and I respect other people’s views,” Anna said. “But in my heart, when I got married, I vowed to God first and then to Joshua for better or for worse, till death do we part…My prayer and my heart’s desire is for our marriage to be restored.”

So why the sudden change of heart? According to the In Touch insider, Anna Duggar made some “new friends” who convinced her that Josh wasn’t the only one having a toxic effect on her life; she was also letting his family members take advantage of her delicate emotional state and her desire to do the right thing in God’s eyes. The Duggars allegedly thought that trotting Anna out on TV to pledge her undying devotion to Josh would improve his image. This, in turn, would help save the sinking Duggar family brand.

“They were horrified that she’d been persuaded to talk on-camera about Josh, and then wheeled out with the children, looking like everything was fine.”

By providing her with their outsiders’ view of the situation, Anna Duggar’s new friends allegedly opened her eyes and made her realize that she has every right to feel angry “that Josh has treated her so appallingly for so long.” Instead of continuing her uphill battle to make things work, she’s decided to divorce Josh. Anna plans on moving far away from him to start rebuilding her life, and she’ll most likely live with a family member while she gets back on her feet.

When news of Josh Duggar’s cheating scandal first broke last August, his first course of action was to get far away from his wife by spending six months in a Christian treatment facility in Rockford, Illinois. He returned home to Arkansas in March, and Anna and Josh gave fans an update on the status of their marriage back in May.

“Since the residential treatment program ended, we have been working with a professional marriage and family counselor to take important steps toward healing. It isn’t easy and some days are very difficult,” Josh and Anna wrote in a statement on the Duggar Family Blog.

As People reports, Josh’s family recently made it seem like Anna and Josh were still on the road to saving their marriage. On September 26, Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar marked Josh and Anna’s eighth wedding anniversary by sharing a photo of the smiling couple on their family’s Facebook page.

However, there has been at least one sign that things between Josh and Anna Duggar are not fine. During a recent episode of Counting On, Anna revealed that she’s still crying all the time. As the International Business Times reports, she said that she turns to Jana Duggar whenever she needs to talk about her troubles.

Because Anna Duggar has become so reliant on Josh Duggar’s family, it could be difficult for her to cut ties with them, and they’ll likely be in no rush to let her go. She and Josh don’t live very far away from Jim Bob and Michelle’s massive home, and the Inquisitr previously reported that Anna’s in-laws have been taking advantage of having her around; she’s babysitting for them, cleaning their bathrooms, and doing their dishes and laundry.

Unfortunately for the Duggars, they can’t argue with a sign from God. Josh and Anna Duggar reportedly began trying for a fifth child as soon as Josh got home from rehab, but Anna has had no luck getting pregnant. She allegedly believes that this is the Lord’s way of letting her know that she and Josh should not have any more children together, so it’s time for her to cut ties with the Duggars and move on.

[Featured Image by Josh Duggar/Twitter]

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