‘Big Brother 18’ Spoilers: New HOH Crowned But Sources Reporting Two Different Outcomes

Big Brother 18 is set to air a new episode tonight. The evicted houseguest will be revealed, and the new Head of Household (HOH) will be announced. Yesterday, the eviction was taped because of the schedule for the remainder of the season. Victor was the one who walked out the door yesterday. He worked hard to return to the game several times and make it to the final five but was blindsided by Corey and Nicole at the last minute. Walking into the HOH last week, Victor and Paul felt safe. That was their mistake and getting comfortable in the BB house is never a good idea.

The Big Brother live feeds have been down since before yesterday’s eviction. Several outlets have been reporting that the newest HOH has been chosen. According to Celebrity Dirty Laundry, Paul is the current ruler of the house. This means his spot in the final three is locked, and he just has to sit back and watch the rest of the week unfold. While he may be the reigning HOH, he isn’t the one who will decide who heads to the jury house. The Power of Veto (POV) winner is the one who will be able to evict the person they choose. If this is the case and Paul did win, he has a very real shot at winning the game if he can clinch a win for the final HOH.

There has also been some talk that Nicole may have won the HOH. This was not confirmed by any reliable source, but it has been circulating through various social media sites. From Twitter and Facebook groups, the BB fans are waiting to find out whether or not Nicole did win or if it is just a ploy to take away from the fact that Paul is the actual reported winner. Big Brother has seen a lot happen this season with competitions, and at the end, many of the players stepped up to bring in a win. If Nicole did win, Paul would likely be the one sent home unless the POV win is his.

Since the Big Brother 18 season finale is a week from tomorrow, the schedule is a little crazy for the next week. A new episode will be airing tonight to provide fans with the burning question of who won the HOH competition. There are still some fans who are holding onto hope that Victor remained, and Paul was evicted, but that is not the case. Victor is all but confirmed as gone and headed to the jury house. Friday night there will be a special BB episode aired which is thought to be a clip show. That has not been confirmed, but it is likely filled with moments from the season, including some of the houseguests who were evicted early on.

Paul has been called out for some of the choice words he has used in the Big Brother house. He called Michelle some pretty terrible names, but Corey was there cheering him on. Despite the harsh criticism thrown at him, Paul fans are still rooting for him to take home the prize and be crowned the winner. There has been plenty of talk about voting for him to be America’s Favorite Player, but that will likely switch in support of Victor since he has now been eliminated. The final four will become the final three within a matter of days, possibly hours. Paul has secured his spot in the final three and will likely be standing there with Nicole and James if all works out the way it is rumored to happen. Big Brother 18 was a wild ride, and the houseguests have made some lasting friendships.

[Image via CBS]

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