Steven Avery Plans to Write Memoir Amid New Book Depicting His ‘Guilt’

Making a Murderer‘s Steven Avery is contemplating writing a memoir once he’s released from prison, and he has full faith that his wrongful conviction attorney, Kathleen Zellner, will get him out. Yet, a Manitowoc County assistant district attorney just released a book with differing views that aims to prove Avery’s guilt.

In Touch reports that Avery, 54, opened up for the first time since Zellner filed a motion last month to have the evidence used against him re-tested. Although he remains behinds bars for now, the Manitowoc County man has full confidence in Zellner and thinks she’ll eventually prove his innocence beyond a doubt.

“Hopefully all of the tests will come back good and the truth will come out. I’m comfortable. I know I have a good attorney and [that she’ll] prove my innocence.”

Avery’s so confident of his release that he now says when he gets out, instead of if. When the day comes, he added, he’ll start writing a book about his life in prison. He said it’ll include details “on my life, how prison was, what I went through.” He even has an actor in mind to portray him should his book or life story turn into a feature film. Avery’s choice is Brad Pitt.

Meanwhile, Michael Griesbach, a Manitowoc County assistant district attorney (note: he wasn’t involved in the Avery case) wrote a book on the famous Making a Murderer case, and he insists that the documentary left out a lot of crucial evidence, while brutally criticizing his colleagues.

He didn’t write the book to simply defend his fellow lawyers, although it certainly played a major part in his decision. He’s not above calling out his colleagues when he feels they’re in the wrong, such as what he did with his first book on Avery, entitled Innocent Killer, which examines Avery’s 1985 sexual assault wrongful conviction case.

Bustle reports that Griesbach’s new book, entitled Indefensible: The Missing Truth about Steven Avery, Teresa Halbach and Making a Murderer, breaks down the clever editing used by filmmakers to make Avery look innocent. He also delves into evidence and information that was purposely omitted from the popular Netflix docu-series.

Griesbach understands the pressure that he’ll likely face because of the new book, specifically on social media where many Avery supporters are known to ridicule and shame those who take a stand against the popular consensus that Avery is innocent. Regardless, Griesbach stands firm in his decision, indicating that someone has to speak up and show the evidence that many people may not know about yet.

“I think it is important for someone to do it. I’m in a position to push back a little bit.”

The assistant district attorney made it clear that although he’s a board member on the Wisconsin Innocence Project, the views expressed in his book are solely his, and he doesn’t represent anyone else or any other organization. His decision to write the book came after he watched his Manitowoc County comrades buried in insults and even threats on social media.

Greisbach himself was attacked previously after a number of readers were upset that he didn’t mention Avery’s innocence regarding the murder victim, Teresa Halbach, when he touched on the topic at the end of his Innocent Killer book. For that omission, the Journal Sentinel reports that Griesbach was called names, such as an “utter fool,” for not seeing that Avery was allegedly framed.

He also touched on Zellner in his new book. It’s no secret that Zellner has another suspect (or two) in mind that she thinks is responsible for Halbach’s murder. Griesbach believes that she’ll likely bring up “Wolfgang Braun” (pseudonym) as an alternate suspect, a man who reportedly told his wife he saw a “stupid photographer” at the Avery salvage yard. The wife would later tell police that she found bloody surgical gloves and women’s clothing hidden in her house.

Griesbach indicated that his intention with the new book isn’t to just make money, and he’s prepared for the onslaught of critics who will accuse him of just that.

“I’m just trying, I believe, to set the record straight. It may just look like we’re all just trying to make money, but If you’ve worked in the system 30 years, you do care.”

Steven Avery remains in prison serving a life sentence for the 2005 murder of Halbach. New evidence testing, however, which will likely be completed within a few months, could change the entire case.

[Image via Netflix]

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