Neo-Nazi Rock Fans In Germany Get Tricked By Word Changing T-Shirts

Concert attendees at a recent German ultra-nationalist rock concert were given free t-shirts that read “hardcore rebels” with the nationalist flag across their front, however the right-wing extremists were greeted with a very different message when the “Trojan horse” T-shirts were washed to reveal:

“If your T-shirt can do it, you can do it too—we’ll help you get away from right-wing extremism.”

The t-shirts were given away in the hopes that a group working to distance Germany’s teens from right-wing extremism could pull some of the youths out of the group.

According to the Guardian the shirts were donated anonymously to the festival’s organizers, with the anonymous groups founder revealing:

“We wanted to raise awareness about our program, especially among the young and less committed,” and “There were so many points along the way where our plan could have failed, but it all went perfectly.”

The events organizers have not spoken out against the actions of the anonymous group that infiltrated their ranks.

Right wing extremism isn’t a laughing matter in Germany, one town, Jamel, a tiny village near Wismar in the far northeastern German state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, is so over run with neo-nazi sentiment that Democratic officials won’t enter the town for fear of injury or death. Jamel is so overrun by Neo-Nazi’s that children in many cases give people the “Hitler salute” while many houses have become run down while guarded by large fences and attack dogs.

With the neo-Nazi movement destroying parts of Germany once again, something has to be done, perhaps this is a start to solving the problem which Berlin has only recently acknowledged is a growing concern in the region.

Here’s what the shirts looked like when they were washed:

Hardcore Rebel Shirt After Being Washed

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