‘Octogoat’ Latest Bizarre Animal Birth: Eight-Legged Goat Also Has Male and Female Organs [Video]

A rare and bizarre animal birth occurred when an “octogoat” was born in Croatia. The baby goat has eight legs and has male and female reproductive organs. According to ITV, this is most likely the result of an under-developed twin sibling.

Farmer Zoran Paparic needed a second opinion after noticing the that the octogoat had a lot more than four legs attached to it! He told inSerbia:

“I counted his legs and I thought I was seeing things. Then I called my neighbor to make sure that I am not crazy.”

Paparic’s goat, Sarka, gave birth to the baby octogoat that’s making global headlines this week. Vets added that the this intriguing animal probably won’t survive, but could live up to two or three years if it makes it past the first week. Paparic calls the octogoat birth a “miracle of nature” and wants to keep the new addition at his farm in Kutjevo if it goes on living.

Life can’t be easy for an animal born like octogoat because its body is specifically designed to function with four legs and be either male or female. Clearly something went awry while Sarka was pregnant with the currently unnamed goat.

As the photos show in this article, the body formation of octogoat is well seen. Four of its eight legs are unbalanced as to which direction they’re facing — something that will make mobility quite difficult. The very top photo in this article shows how two of what’s suppose to be the other twin’s hind legs are facing opposite from octogoat’s natural hind legs.

The strangest results emerge in animal births when a twin sibling never fully develops inside the womb. For instance, there’s been two-headed and multiple-legged creatures of all kinds born. Inquisitr keeps up with animal stories, and in this article, a two-headed turtle baby hatched at a zoo. Another Inquisitr article reported on a six-legged lamb born with male and female reproductive organs — much like octogoat.

Octogoat 2

Octogoat and the six-legged lamb aren’t the only animals to enter the world with more legs than they can handle. Others have included a six-legged calf and a five-legged cow. The list goes on for a variety of animals born without a twin. It’s really not too far-fetched to call octogoat — or animals in these categories — a freak of nature. It’s not everyday you see animals with two heads, additional legs, or are both sexes.

It’s unclear if octogoat will survive and live a healthy life at this point. If it does, it seems the owner will provide it with good care and nurturing.

[Images via Press Association Images]

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