San Antonio Police Searching For ‘Catch Me If You Can’ Speeding Motorist

San Antonio police are on the look out for motorcycle rider who recently posted a video to Facebook showing him zooming through interstate traffic with speeds up to 100 miles per hour. The individual posted the video with a caption that reads “catch me if you can”.

According to the Chicago Tribune, police are calling this individual a high-priority suspect and based on the video, they believe the individual is a man facing two felony warrants and a misdemeanor warrant for family violence. CNN stated that police identified the man and believe him to be Alberto Rodriguez.

San Antonio police are not taking this game lightly at all. Police spokesman, Sergeant
Javier Salazar, told reporters that “when we catch him, he has a lot more to answer to, but we want to get him off the street.”

Reports state that it is unclear when the video was taken, though they believe that it was taken with the use of a helmet camera. The video was then uploaded on to Facebook where it was then reposted on to the Police Department’s page. Police say that the actions taken by the motorist not only could endanger himself, but all those sharing the road with him.

“Really all it would have taken was a split second for him to impact the lives of several people, possibly killing someone just by his very actions,” said Salazar.

On top of his earlier warrants, police say that he now faces a reckless driving charge with a possible fine of up to $200 and 30 days in jail. Comments on the police department Facebook page range from “Run fool, run” to concerns from other citizens.

One Facebook commenter wrote: “I hope he gets caught and charged with reckless endangerment!! He could have killed himself, or worse, someone else!! Let’s all join together and get this low-life criminal off the streets!!” Many of the comments read similar to this one. Another commenter posted his frustrations over the bad name this gives other motorcycle drivers.

“I have friends that ride but this is an example of why riders get the stereo type they have. How many days a week do we wake up to tragic news about a biker accident or death. All these little biker gang kids need to rally together for better driving instead of mourning someone’s tragic accident”

Police say that they have all of Rodriguez’s information and they want him to know that they are coming for him. “So if Mr. Rodriguez is watching, he might as well turn himself in because it’s only a matter of time before we catch you,” said Police Chief William McManus.

[Image via Shutterstock/topseller]

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