John Cena Advice On Marriage: ‘Don’t Do It!’

John Cena may have lost the WWE Heavyweight title to Randy Orton on Sunday night but that didn’t weaken his resolve when it comes to the question of marriage.

That is to say that Cena doesn’t want marriage, nor kids, at all. The revelations came during the Total Divas season finale, also on Sunday night, where Cena shared his views with girlfriend Nikki Bella.

The Inquisitr reported yesterday on John Cena’s comments in the show:

At one point, when asked about the prospect of marriage and kids, Cena said: “I can’t give you that.” Nikki retorted: “I make all of the sacrifices, and you make none.” Despite her comments Cena stood firm and said: “I won’t get married again, and I won’t have kids.”

A number of readers weighed in with their comments, some of which were pretty interesting, as Cena’s comments sparked a fierce debate in the feed.

One commenter, Brandon Graham from Modesto Junior College, had respect for John Cena’s frankness:

I think its pretty smart for him to know what he wants in life and refuses to change for anyone. Keep in mind the guy is on the road for 300 days in the year. He is a walking brand, one of the largest the wrestling industry has ever seen. Its easy for her as the business isnt her life, but for him he is the WWE logo. He is being wise in his decisions

Another commenter, Mark W. Frere, took a more cynical view on the issue of marriage:

Kids are a Winfall for Women after a Divorce,for a guy who doesn’t want kids is smart because it adds up to 18 years plus of Misery.

Rosalind Ryder also agreed that John Cena has a right to not want to get married and have more kids:

John C. has a right to his decisions as long as he’s up front with the woman he gets involved with. The lady can’t try to change him. A man will marry when/if he feels ready or the need to do so. Hey, the WWE universe is his oyster. Supply and demand.

Join the debate yourself and pitch in the comments feed to share your take on John Cena’s ideas on marriage.

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