Woman Is Suing Disney, Says ‘Frozen’ Is Her Real Life Story

A woman named Isabella Tanikumi filed a lawsuit against Disney. Her complaint? That Disney’s mega-hit movie Frozen was taken directly from her life story, published as an autobiography in 2010, entitled Living My Truth.

Tanikumi is suing Disney for copyright infringement, asking for a total of $250 million in damages, as well as insisting that Disney cease and desist with all marketing and selling of all Frozen-related merchandise and memorabilia.

Considering that Frozen is one of Disney’s biggest franchises, that’s a pretty tall order. The film itself, released by Disney in 2013, was a huge hit at the box office, bringing in about $1 billion. On top of that, the huge Disney franchise has made millions from all the merchandise related to the film, and stands to make even more money — there is a Broadway show coming up, multiple spin-offs, and plan for a Disney World theme park ride.

But Tanikumi wants it all to stop because, as she claims in her lawsuit, Frozen isn’t just a story — it’s her story.

There are no talking snowmen or people bursting into random song in Tanikumi’s life. (She might actually have a case if there were.) But according to court documents obtained by E! pertaining to the lawsuit, it seems as though Tanikumi’s claim is pretty weak — and that’s being generous.

The lawsuit’s court documents lay out 18 “infringements,” or, as most people would call the so-called parallels, broad coincidences at the very best.

For example, Tanikumi happens to have a sister, and the two of them were raised in a village. So were Elsa and Anna of Frozen. And both villages happened to be at the feet of snow-covered mountains.

Another example is the fact that Disney’s Frozen incorporates a theme of sisterly love and Tanikumi’s book also talks about how much she loved her sister.

And the plot thickens with this — both sets of sisters happen to have “opposite colored hair” and own horses.

Furthermore, each set of sisters, real and Frozen, had incidents where one sister injured the other, although Tanikumi’s injury involved hot custard, apparently. And each set of sisters had one sister who retained no memory of the accident.

One truly odd parallel between the film and the book lies in the names of a few fellows. Apparently, Tanikumi had two men interested in her, named Hans and Cristoff. Likewise, there is a Hans and a Kristoff that both have a romantic interest in Ana in Frozen.

And perhaps most shocking of all, both Elsa and Tanikumi have experiences with love under the moonlit sky.

Better just grab your checkbook, Disney — case closed.

Oh, and feel free to insert your own “Let It Go” joke at anytime.

For more news on shocking court cases, read about the woman suing over sperm here.

[Image via Disney]

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