Katy Perry Once Got Ex-Husband Russell Brand a $200K Ticket to Space for His Birthday

Katy Perry Once Got Ex-Husband Russell Brand a $200K Ticket to Space for His Birthday
Cover Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Neil Mockford

Katy Perry and Russell Brand went through a highly publicized divorce after a mere two years of marriage. After their relationship ended, Perry avoided being in the same vicinity as Brand, as highlighted by a memorable BBC Radio interview. During that interview, the host introduced a fake Brand into the studio, but that's a tale best left for another occasion.

Today, it's evident that both parties have moved forward without any lingering jealousy. Nevertheless, the breakup did elicit distinct reactions from each of them. At one point, Katy Perry opted for an unconventional gift, veering far from typical presents one might choose for others. In a rather extravagant gesture, she purchased a ticket for her former husband, Russell Brand, allowing him to be launched into space like a firework, embarking on an outer space journey as a birthday gift for his 35th birthday, as per The Things.

Image Source: GettyImages/Christopher Polk
Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Christopher Polk


This wasn't just a teenage dream; Katy Perry indeed invested a staggering $200,000 to facilitate Russell Brand's voyage into space using Richard Branson's Virgin Galactic spacecraft. Perry's choice of gift went far beyond the realms of a typical weekend getaway or the purchase of an exquisite timepiece. She was genuinely enthusiastic about creating a unique and extraordinary experience. As reported by Louella Faria, a representative from Virgin Galactic, “It’s true... We [were] very excited to have him on board. There will be 17-inch diameter windows to look out onto. Passengers will be able to view Earth around 800 miles in any direction from space."

Perry and Brand's marriage lasted just over a year, and as a result, the extravagant cosmic gift was never utilized. In hindsight, it's unfortunate, especially since Katy Perry, the singer behind 'E.T.,' expressed her excitement about embarking on the space journey alongside Brand.

Image Source: GettyImages| Photo by Jason Merritt
Image Source: GettyImages| Photo by Jason Merritt


According to Ladbible, while talking to MTV News back in 2011, Perry expressed: "I'm so into extra-terrestrial stuff. ... It's very difficult for me to look up into the sky in the middle of the night and not think that our planet is one of ... a bajillion. It's really, really small. And Russell and I are interested in anything extra-terrestrial. I mean, we're going to space! We're really excited... There's a group of people that work with Richard Branson, and he does the Virgin flights, and for Russell's birthday, I got him a flight to space. Because I just thought, 'What else can I give this man? He's had every experience in the world, but not a trip to space!' And so he's also always searching for what is beyond this world, and we both kind of have this same vision and are always looking for more. It will be really exciting. It's like a half-day trip. I think there's a lot of people who are signed up for this experience."

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