Here's the Real Reason Behind Amy Winehouse's Sudden Tragic Death

Here's the Real Reason Behind Amy Winehouse's Sudden Tragic Death
Cover Image Source: Getty Images| Photo by Daniel Boczarski

Amy Winehouse was just 27 years old when she was found by her bodyguard dead in her London home at Camden on July 23, 2011. Throughout her brief but illustrious life, the Rehab hitmaker battled long-term bulimia, drug, and alcohol addiction. By the last years of her life, Winehouse had abstained from heavy drugs following multiple stays in rehab and several near-death incidents.

However, she was unable to overcome her alcoholism and unfortunately died as a result of accidental alcohol poisoning. As per People, the official cause of death was listed as "alcohol toxicity." Winehouse's blood alcohol content at the time of her death was more than five times higher than permitted. Coroner Suzanne Greenaway declared it as a "death by misadventure" and an "unintended consequence" of consuming too much alcohol. 



Tyler James, the Wake Up Alone singer's best friend recalled, "Amy was a girl in her 20s suffering from addiction, and everybody was a part of it. Everybody was watching it. When you go to rehab, you have to be the strongest you've ever been in your life, when you are the weakest you've ever been in your life. And she had to go through that in front of people," during an interview.

Winehouse's parents, Mitch and Janis, stated, "It is some relief to finally find out what happened to Amy. We understand there was alcohol in her system when she passed away; it is likely a build-up of alcohol in her system over a number of days. The court heard that Amy was battling hard to conquer her problems with alcohol and it is a source of great pain to us that she could not win in time," her parents said in a statement after her passing. 


"I want people to please, please recognize how hard she had worked to come off drugs and just how close she was to [giving up alcohol] for good, how close she was to being healthy," James said.

As per BBC, after an investigation found that coroner Greenaway was not qualified for the position, a second inquest into Winehouse's death was held in 2013. The same 'misadventure' verdict was made by St Pancras Coroner, Dr Shirley Radcliffe, as at the initial inquest in October 2011.  

Image Source: Getty Images| Photo by Ian Gavan
Image Source: Getty Images| Photo by Ian Gavan


Dr. Radcliffe stated that "alcohol toxicity"—"a level of alcohol commonly associated with fatality"—was the cause of the star's death. She alleged that Winehouse "voluntarily consumed alcohol" and that when her body was found, "two empty vodka bottles were on the floor" next to her bed. Winehouse's physician, Dr. Christina Romete, stated in a written declaration that she saw Winehouse the evening before she passed away.

Dr. Romete stated, "She specifically said she did not want to die." The doctor added: "She was genuinely unwilling to follow the advice of doctors, being someone who wanted to do things her own way." The Back to Black singer most likely had a respiratory arrest, according to the post-mortem examination, which was presented before the inquest as the cause of death. Back to Black, a film that opens in theaters on May 17, 2024, will delve more into Winehouse's legacy. 

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