Two farmers in central India were arrested in the last week when it was discovered that the men brutally killed a 7-year-old girl in the hopes of appeasing their gods.
According to reports the men cut out the little girls liver in a ritual sacrifice that they believed would ensure a prosperous harvest.
Lalita Tati had disappeared from her hometown on October 21, 2011 and her dismembered remains were found one week later (Oct. 27) according to Bijapur district senior police officer Rajendra Narayan Das.
The two men were arrested last week and quickly confirmed the story of a religious sacrifice. The poor farmers say they grabbed Tati when she was walking home after watching TV at a neighbor’s home.
The murderers then confessed to cutting her stomach open and removing her liver which they offered up to their gods.
Das police say besides their confessions they have gathered enough evidence to convict both men of murder.
If found guilty both men will face sentences up to life in prison or possibly even the death sentence.
Do you believe both men should face the death penalty or should their strong religious fanaticism land them behind bars for the rest of their natural lives?