[Video Update] Marina Shifrin’s Company Makes Rebuttal Vid, They’re Hiring!

Okay, as amused as we all were by Marina Shifrin’s video (in which the young woman quits her job dancing to Kanye West at 4:30 AM in the office) the responses from the company for which she worked have been pretty impressive, and kind of make us think management might be cool.

It’s true that Shifrin’s green “interpretive dance” to Kanye West’s gone struck a chord, but it also seems that not much in the video is all that damning. While Marina was at the office at 4:30 AM, she’s the only one there — and there’s no reason given for a person to be there, no pressing work matter cited.

Secondly, Shifrin’s major gripe is that the company only cares about “pageviews,” which is kind of like saying McDonald’s only cares about selling hamburgers or your doctor’s office only cares about seeing patients. The company, Next Media Animation, traffics in pageviews as their bread and butter.

So when NMA responded in the form of a letter addressing Shifrin’s viral resignation written to Gawker (where Marina sent her video, among other outlets), it wasn’t super surprising that the dude seemed reasonable, and kind of perplexed his ex-employee chose to throw the company under the bus upon her departure.

The NMA exec, Mark Simon, explained that he liked Shifrin both as a person and a worker — and that the feeling seemed to be mutual, making her loud and angry exit all the more apparently puzzling to NMA:

“Look, I actually like Marina a great deal. Marina herself has said we are a great company to work for, and I do not think she intended to hurt anyone, but it has happened.”

Simon explained working conditions, too, adding that compensation was fair and employees at Marina Shifrin’s old company really were treated nicely:

“There is an image now of a sweat shop, we are not. Marina made USD$42k per year. She had a 40 hr work week, 5 days a week. There is no expectation of OT on our behalf, you finish your shift and leave. In our office most folks leave when their shift is up as you work on news flow… Also we ask journalists to work one month per year on the midnight shift as we just need to cover the shift. We pay a differential of 30% for these hours, which I know are hard hours to work.”

So we’ve seen Marina Shifrin’s video, and read Mark Simon’s response — now watch above as the still-employed workers of NMA also explain their job feelings set to the strains of Kanye West’s “Gone.”

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