Kate Middleton: Fascinating Details Of Royal Birth Surface

In the age of instant news with the Internet, the Palace did a pretty good job keeping details of the royal birth private. Now, these details of what was happening with Kate Middleton during the days leading up to her son’s birth are surfacing.

In their October issue, Vanity Fair has a piece with contributing editor and royal expert Katie Nicholl on her upcoming biography, The Future Queen, about the Duchess of Cambridge.

The book includes several interviews with palace insiders and others close to the royal family and the picture they present of Kate MIddleton is that of a very normal young woman on the verge of becoming a mom to the future King of England.

Here are some of the most interesting pieces of information that has come out after the birth of Prince George according to Shine Yahoo:

– Prince William went into the attic at the couple’s Kensington Palace cottage to retrieve old toys, especially his bear called Wombat.

– Kate Middleton suspected she was having a boy because the baby kicked so much (soccer player?), but they bought neutral color furniture and decor for the nursery.

– Mom named her baby bump, “our little grape”.

– When they arrived at the hospital on July 22, Kate had been in labor for nine hours and later told a friend that the birth was smooth and with no complications as she had hoped.

– William called his grandmother, Queen Elizabeth before anyone else and told her of the birth in an encrypted message.

– After the official announcement to the world, the new parents enjoyed take out pizza, with several toppings in Kate’s hospital room.

– Kate’s personal hairdresser, Amanda Cook Tucker, was on call for the entire month of July and came to the hospital to get the Duchess ready to face photographers outside the hospital.

Kate Middleton

– Tucker also brought a selection of dresses for Kate to wear and she confessed that the royal was very emotional after the birth and nervous about appearing in public.

– Against the Queen wishes, the family left for Bucklebury, Kate’s hometown. The Queen was worried about security, but Kate didn’t budge and William supported her decision.

– The couple didn’t hire a nanny and Carole and Michael Middleton helped the new parents. Carole made nutritious smoothies and healthy meals for Kate.

– The baby slept on a bassinet near his mother’s bed. The family stayed with Kate’s parents, but they had plenty of room and their own suite for privacy.

William and Kate only brought a housekeeper to Anglesey, Wales who helps with cleaning and grocery shopping.

– Both new parents are loving their roles. Kate is a devoted mom and William a natural father.

Kate Middleton’s story The Future Queen will hit book stores on September 17.

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