Politician Caught On Hidden Camera Talking About Handgun Ban

Illinois Democrat Jan Schakowsky was caught on hidden camera discussing the possibility of a handgun ban. The state representative did not recognize conservative activist Jason Mattera, and spoke with him in great detail about both current and future gun control bans.

The video of Rep. Jan Schakowsky was recorded about a month ago at a women’s rally, but was not released until Monday. The Democrat spoke at length about her views on gun control and mentioned a handgun ban. She also indicated that the current ban suggestions are only the beginning. Jason Mattera did reportedly identify himself before asking the Illinois lawmaker questions.

Gun rights advocates will not likely support the future gun ban plans outlined by Schakowsky. She stated that background checks will ultimately effect ever single type of firearm. She also noted that the Brady Campaign feels that out of all the gun control measures presented, universal background checks are the best approach to reducing gun violence.

Second Amendment activists argue against such a mindset. Gun rights advocacy groups frequently contend that criminals often do not obtain their guns legally, therefore, only law-abiding citizens will be impacted by universal background checks. Criminal who steal guns from registered owners have a firearm to use which cannot be traced back to a violent act.

Illinois State Representative Jan Schakowsky also use the phrase “moment of opportunity” when discussing the hard push lawmakers are going to make on the gun control front. When Mattera continued to steer the conversation towards a handgun ban, Schakowsky reportedly obliged.

The conservative activist stated that he did not think a handgun ban could ever happen because of the way the Second Amendment is worded. The Democrat responded by noting that she didn’t believe such a ban could never happen and that the Second Amendment does not preclude it.

Schakowsky also added that some towns in her district have successfully banned handguns. Chicago has some of the most stringent gun control laws in the United States, but still has one of the most violent crime rates.

How do you feel about a potential handgun ban?

[Image Via: Shutterstock.com]

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