House Democrats Plan Capitol Hill Event About Donald Trump’s ‘Deteriorating’ Mental Health

House Democrats are organizing a Capitol Hill event meant to scrutinize President Donald Trump’s “deteriorating” mental health, Newsweek reports.

The happening will be hosted in July by ardent Trump critics, Democratic representatives John Yarmuth and Jamie Raskin. Yale School of Medicine psychiatrist who is known for publicly discussing President Trump’s mental health, Dr. Bandy Lee, will be speaking at the event as well. Every lawmaker will be invited, according to the organizers.

Dr. Lee will be the central figure of the event, according to Yarmuth. The psychiatrist, the lawmaker explained, will present her ideas, and explain why she believes Trump is not mentally fit for office. Members of the media will be invited as well, and Dr. Lee is referring to the event as a “town hall,” which suggests that she might take questions from the audience, or the press.

Lee, who edited The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump: Psychiatrists and Mental Health Experts Assess a President, has become known for publicly discussing President Trump’s alleged mental health issues, despite the fact that the practice is frowned upon by mental health professionals, who claim that a patient can only be diagnosed following personal evaluation.

Lee has defended herself against criticism by arguing that the book should not be read as a traditional diagnosis, suggesting that one does not even need to be a mental health professional to observe that Trump’s mental health is “deteriorating.”

“The president’s condition has been visibly deteriorating to the point where there’s a lot of talk right now about his mental state beyond mental health professionals. It no longer takes a mental health professional to recognize the seriousness of the current presidency.”

Yarmuth defended Lee as well, suggesting that the American people are “endangered” by President Trump’s behavior, and arguing that mental health professionals have a “responsibility” to alert the public about the issues the commander-in-chief appears to be having.

Prominent lawmakers have questioned the president’s mental abilities as well. Most recently, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said that she “prays” for the president, expressing hope that members of his family and those close to him stage an “intervention,” according to BBC.

It did not take long for Trump to hit back at Pelosi, calling the top Democrat “crazy,” and a “mess.” The two have since publicly insulted and belittled each other, but Pelosi remains opposed to the idea of impeachment. Unlike many of her colleagues in the House, the speaker has long opposed impeaching Trump, who she claims is mentally unfit and works for the Russian government.

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