‘General Hospital’ Recap: Baby Wiley’s Fate Revealed, Fans React To Latest Twists And Turns

For months now, General Hospital viewers have suspected that there would be some kind of intersection between Nelle’s pregnancy and the upcoming adoption placement for Brad and Lucas. Theories about either Hayden or Maxie also being involved floated around for a while as well, and some answers emerged during Tuesday’s episode.

Warning: Spoilers below, do not keep reading if you have not watched Tuesday’s episode of General Hospital.

During Monday’s show, Brad was sent into a panic when he went to the crib to feed the baby a bottle and discovered he wasn’t breathing. As viewers saw during Tuesday’s episode, Brad tried desperately to save Wiley, but the baby couldn’t be revived.

Brad ended up stopped in his car along the same dark road near where Michael, Nelle, and Obrecht crashed, and soon Nelle came out of the woods carrying her newborn son. Obrecht seemingly took off as soon as she helped Nelle deliver, and both Nelle and Brad worked through some shocked moments as they caught up with one another’s news.

Soon, Nelle told Brad that he should take her baby and pass him off as Wiley. Brad was stunned and initially resisted, but she talked about how Sonny would make sure she didn’t get to raise the baby. Nelle explained that she’d rather see Lucas and Brad raise her son if she couldn’t.

Later, Lucas finally made it home and was anxious to meet the newborn he thought was Wiley, and Nelle got to the hospital and shocked Michael with his supposedly dead son. General Hospital spoilers indicate that during Wednesday’s show, Nelle will tear into Michael and blame him for the baby’s supposed death and word will spread to Michael’s loved ones about the tragedy.

Fans may have seen a baby switch coming here from a mile away, but many acknowledge that this does set up a juicy storyline. Will Wiley’s birth mother use her 30-day waiting period to reconsider the placement, and if she does want the baby back, how will that shake things up?

General Hospital viewers are not happy about another dead baby storyline, and the baby switch approach has been done far too many times, many fans note. In fact, Michael has already been through a baby-related storyline when he thought he was the father of Sabrina’s baby and then learned he wasn’t.

However, this storyline does lay the groundwork for a lot of drama. Will Brad manage to keep this switch a secret, and will Nelle’s “dead” baby situation impact any legal issues she’d normally be facing as a result of the recording made ahead of the crash?

General Hospital spoilers via Soap Central note that Brad will understandably be distracted in the days ahead and it doesn’t sound as if Nelle and her scheming is over yet. While viewers are blasting the idea of doing another dead baby/baby switch storyline, many are noting that actress Chloe Lanier is knocking it out of the park.

Some General Hospital fans are noting on Twitter that they love Nelle and her antics, or at least they love to hate her. Others point out that this is something of a twist on an overused soap opera storyline and it kicks things up a notch. Many have been figuring that Michael and Chase would ultimately underestimate Nelle, and it looks like that indeed has become the case.

Fans of Brad and Lucas as a couple are not particularly happy with how this has proceeded. As one “Brucas” fans tweeted, General Hospital let the two get married, but then took them off the canvas. This adoption storyline took quite a while to play out, and it was mostly off-screen as well. Then, Brad met the baby without Lucas knowing, and now the true Wiley has died. Brucas fans also feel that they have earned a committed, full-fledged Brad and Lucas storyline now as a result of suffering through this twist.

What comes next for Nelle, Michael, Lucas, Brad, and the baby? Some people are already wondering if the pictures Julian took of Wiley will throw off this plan, and Nelle still has plenty of scrambling to do if she wants to stay out of jail. General Hospital spoilers suggest that there are more twists and turns on the way and it’ll be interesting to see if the writers can win over the viewers with this one.

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