‘General Hospital’ Rumors: Nathan’s Father Linked To Twin Mystery, Aunt Stella Has More To Hide

General Hospital spoilers tease paternity shockers ahead in Port Charles. Drew (Billy Miller) and Jason (Steve Burton) seems to be in the middle of all the media attention, but there will be major issues involving other characters in GH. With a baby on the way, Nathan will become more curious as to who his father is. However, Dr. O seems bent on keeping the truth from him.

Paternity Issues

General Hospital spoilers tease Griffin will have some updates for Nathan. He will confirm that Dr. Obrecht has been feeding Nathan with false information. It seems like she wants to keep the identity of Nathan’s father a secret for some reason. Britt told Nathan it will require a bit of persistence to get through Dr. O. He might not get the answers he wants right away, but spoilers tease he will eventually get what he wants if he remains persistent.

Nathan wants to know who his father is for the sake of his baby. He is excited with the prospect of having a child with Maxie, but he worries about the identity of the man who fathered him. He might eventually figure things out on his own, but General Hospital spoilers suggest Dr. O might be hiding the truth from his for his sake. Drew and Jason are the people who used them for an experiment, and this might be linked to Nathan’s paternity. Dr. O has been involved in the mind mapping study too. So, it’s not unlikely for Nathan’s paternity and the study concerning the twins to be related.

General Hospital spoilers promised more twists in the tale concerning the twins, and tying up Nathan’s paternity in this chaos might be an interesting twist. Speculations from Celeb Dirty Laundry tease more drama ahead for Maxie and Nathan.

Aunt Stella’s Secrets

As General Hospital drama heats up, it’s hard to ignore how much Aunt Stella hates to see Curtis and Jordan together. It might have something to do with what Jordan did in the past, but there might be some secrets influencing Aunt Stella’s feelings. She mentioned forgoing the chance to marry someone named Marcus to raise Curtis and his brother. Dropping names always have a reason in General Hospital, and this might be a clue to more family drama for Curtis.

Meanwhile, the holidays don’t look too great for everyone in Port Charles. Laura and Kevin might encounter wedding problems. General Hospital spoilers hint things are not looking too well for Drew and Sam since Carly will try to find a way to force Jason and Sam to have a serious talk.

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