‘Kingdom Hearts III’ Release Date: Square Enix Might Finally Launch ‘KH 3’ Before Christmas 2018

Kingdom Hearts 3 has definitely maintained its mystery after its existence was confirmed. Although Square Enix has given out some details here and there, it is still not enough for the fans of the franchise who are thirsty to finally know the official KH 3 release date. So when will the much-awaited installment of the crossover action role-playing game be launched?

Fans have previously assumed that Kingdom Hearts 3 will finally be released this year, especially after learning that 2017 marks the 15th year for the franchise. Tetsuya Nomura, Japanese video game artist, designer, and director working for Square Enix, gave fans an advance Christmas gift last year when he sent out a holiday message and an update about Kingdom Hearts.

Tetsuya Nomura talked about the upcoming Kingdom Hearts concert at the time, and even mentioned the development of Kingdom Hearts Unchained X. However, he didn’t say anything about Kingdom Hearts 3.

Fast forward to 2017 and KH 3 is now confirmed to launch in 2018. But a new report revealed a more detailed Kingdom Hearts 3 release date.

A Twitter user called Speedycerv shared an alleged KH 3 release date on the platform that was included in his preorder memo. The note stated, “We wanted to let you know that the release date has changed for the item that you preordered. The new release date is: Thursday, Nov. 1, 2018.”

While this post could very well be the answer to all the Kingdom Hearts 3 release date questions, this has yet to be verified.

Meanwhile, Square Enix has previously released the Kingdom Hearts 3 Sora play arts Kai action figure. The back of the play arts box gives fans a little bit of summary towards Sora in KH 3.

The Kingdom Hearts 3 story detail revealed that Sora needed to gather the seven Guardians of Light. In order to achieve this, Sora, Goofy, and Donald should find the Key to Return Hearts.

Most of the details that are in the summary are details that are already known by hardcore fans. For those who have been keeping up to date with the ongoing story of Kingdom Hearts, then they would have a fair idea as to what is going to be transpiring at the end of Kingdom Hearts 3.

[Featured Image by Kingdom Hearts]

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