New Animal Planet Series ‘My Big Fat Pet Makeover’ Seeks To Slim Down Obese Pets

Obesity is a major health issue in this country, and the problem has spilled over to include beloved pets as well. Over 50 percent of dogs and cats are obese, and there are many reasons for this shocking statistic. Lack of exercise, too many treats, and overfeeding all contribute to the problem. According to People, obesity can cause a myriad of the same health problems that humans face including diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease.

Travis Brorsen is an animal expert and trainer, and he will be tackling several cases this season with the goal of helping each pet live a healthier and, in turn, happier life with their owners. He starts out with a four-month-long weight-loss and behavior modification program that includes both the pet owners and their overweight animals. There will be a final weigh-in that reveals how successful the pets and their owners have been as they adapted to their individual diet and exercise programs.

“We are thrilled to welcome Travis to the Animal Planet family,” said Patrice Andrews, general manager of Animal Planet. “Travis will bring forward important issues to the animal community with a focus on providing pet owners with simple changes anyone can make to help their pets.”

Veterinarian’s Money Digest shared that pet owners sometimes become offended or discouraged when they receive the news from their veterinarian that their pet is obese. There are several hurdles to overcome when confronting a pet’s obesity, including miscommunication and a lack of understanding, which at times can be quite a challenge for both veterinarians and pet owners to resolve.

“My goal for this series is to raise awareness of the pet obesity problem while educating and empowering pet owners to make big changes for their furry family members,” Brorsen said. “I’m thrilled to be sharing health, wellness and training tips [with] the Animal Planet audiences that will help owners find new ways to love their pets and add years to their life.”

Although Travis provides owners with all the tools they need to help their animals, it remains to be seen if they can keep up with new routines and not lapse back into old, unhealthy habits. Every pet is different and may have their own unique challenge, but in the end Brorsen wants to see each of them lose weight and become more active and healthy.

Will you be checking out this new series? Leave your comments, thoughts, and opinions below. My Big Fat Pet Makeover premieres on Saturday, September 30, at 10 p.m. ET on Animal Planet.

[Featured Image by Animal Planet Channel]

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