Miss USA 2017 Winner – Miss D.C. Kara McCullough Loses Twitter: ‘Affordable Healthcare Is A Privilege’

According to Google Trends, Miss USA 2017 received at least 50,000 searches on Sunday evening, the same night the 2017 Miss USA competition was held in Las Vegas, Nevada. One of the final contestants was Miss District of Columbia, Kara McCullough. Kara was named a top three finalist during the 2017 Miss USA pageant. However, whilst some of the crowd at the Mandalay Bay Events Center loved McCullough’s answer during one of the questioning sessions, others on social media weren’t so fond of Kara calling affordable healthcare a privilege and not a right.

McCullough ended up winning the Miss USA 2017 contest, but the answer Kara gave about affordable healthcare lost a certain segment of Twitter.

With #MissUSA being a top trending item on Twitter, plenty of those tweets featured complaints about Miss D.C. losing the social media crowd by stating her beliefs that viewed affordable healthcare as a privilege. McCullough said that she realized her government job was granted to her and answered that people need jobs that come along with healthcare. That answer may have sat well with some folks, but others on Twitter are clapping back at Kara with memes and their own responses.

As seen in some of the following comments from social media, not everyone was unhappy about the answer Miss D.C. gave about healthcare.

Miss District of Columbia was amazing throughout the competition tonight…she definitely gets my vote!”

“I’m conflicted. I’ve been pulling for Miss DC from the beginning but her answers were… questionable. But Miss NJ killed that part…

“Even though D.C. just lost my vote, her dress is beautiful though .”

“Miss !! Brains&beauty. Nothing in life is free, healthcare = while we do strive to help as many Americans as we can!

“Let’s go ! You are fighting for your beliefs! It’s time to stop having politically correct beauty pageants!

“Miss District of Colombia would have my vote!

“I voted for Miss D.C. 55 times and then she said that healthcare was a privilege and not a right…bye .”

“Wasn’t a huge Miss D.C. Fan until I heard her answers. Now I’d be perfectly okay if she won. Loved her answers

“What!? D.C. STILL WON WITH ALL THOSE HORRIBLE ANSWERS!? Well I guessed right I guess

“Well that’s America today. A POS who says health care is a PRIVILEGE wins . I’m done.”

The win that Kara experienced came in the wake of some people expressing their surprise at McCullough’s win on social media. As seen in the above comments, at least one person regretted voting for Kara multiple times, because that voting came before hearing McCullough’s answer about affordable healthcare.


Other comments reflect feelings of some people on Twitter who are claiming that Miss New Jersey got robbed with Miss D.C. winning the contest. Yet, others are writing about their feelings that the Miss USA 2017 contest was fixed, by noting how McCullough appeared in commercials during the contest well before the winner was announced.

According to Heavy, plenty of the attention McCullough received on social media was due to Kara’s decision to wear her long and naturally curly hair as is for the Miss USA 2017 contest, instead of straightening her hair.

McCullough is also winning kudos because of her work as a scientist at the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission. The combination of brains and beauty is winning Kara even more fans. But a segment of social media isn’t happy with McCullough’s answer about affordable healthcare being a privilege, instead of something every person in the U.S. deserves. The battle about entitlement versus empathy versus compassionate answers rages on.

[Featured Image by Ethan Miller/Getty Images]

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