Ivanka Trump Under Investigation? Her Clothing Line Reportedly Relabeled And Made For Slave Wages

Ivanka Trump is facing another political misstep, only this time it involves her fashion line. Good is reporting that Ivanka’s clothing products were recently relabeled in an effort to increase sales. Even worse, the clothes were made in sweatshops in China under deplorable conditions.

Ivanka’s clothes originally bore her trademark name but have since been rebranded as Adrienne Vittadini. To be fair, Ivanka’s company doesn’t actually handle the manufacturing process. Instead, Ivanka licensed her name to a company called G-III, who actually made the clothing line.

The Trump family name took a big hit after the presidential elections and many stores refused to sell Ivanka’s clothes. G-III decided to remedy the situation by removing her name and relabeling the clothes. The practice of relabeling brand names is not out of ordinary, and it is likely that Ivanka will not profit from the new sales.

Shortly after the news broke, G-III released a special statement regarding the controversial rebranding.

“G-III accepts responsibility for resolving this issue, which occurred without the knowledge or consent of the Ivanka Trump organization… G-III has already begun to take corrective actions, including facilitating the immediate removal of any mistakenly labeled merchandise from its customer,” the company explained. “The Ivanka Trump brand continues to grow and remains very strong.”


Despite the apology, Ivanka hasn’t been able to separate herself from the clothing fiasco. Even worse, Slate reports that the clothes were manufactured in a Chinese factory where workers are forced to labor for 60 hours a week on less than minimum wage. An official audit revealed that the factory workers made a little above $60 per week. The workers produced dresses and blouses for Ivanka, which were later priced at $158 and $79 respectively.

While the employees worked an outrageous amount of hours per week, the factory did not offer than any kind of benefits package. In fact, less than a third of the workers were offered pensions, medical care, maternity leave, and unemployment insurance.

Ivanka Trump has not commented on the scandal surrounding her fashion business. She is currently busy helping her father run the country and recently advocated for women’s rights at a Berlin conference. Ivanka’s speech, unfortunately, didn’t go as planned.

People protesting Ivanka Trump in Berlin. [Image by Michele Tantussi/Getty Images]

According to CNN, the first daughter was almost booed off stage when she tried to convince the crowd that her father was a supporter of women’s rights. Ivanka began her speech by explaining the challenges of helping her father in the White House. Things got ugly when she defended Trump’s stance towards women.

“That is something I’m very proud of my father’s advocacy, long before he came into the presidency, he championed this in the primaries. He’s been a tremendous champion of supporting families and enabling them to thrive,” Ivanka said as the crowd started hissing.

The panel’s moderator, Miriam Meckel, proceeded with a question about the criticism her father has received from women’s rights groups. Ivanka defended her father’s record and explained that her father strongly believes in equality in the workplace.

“So I think in my personal experience — and you were asking me about my role as daughter — and as adviser, as a daughter, I can speak on a very personal level knowing that he encouraged me and enabled me to thrive,” she stated.

Donald and Ivanka Trump
Donald and Ivanka Trump [Image by Paul Sancya/AP Images]

Ivanka’s speech in Berlin has drawn a lot of media attention, especially given her close ties with Germany’s chancellor, Angela Merkel. Ivanka hit it off with Merkel when she visited the White House in March and the two have been in close contact ever since.

President Trump has not commented on the scandal involving Ivanka Trump’s clothing line.

[Featured Image by Sean Gallup/Getty Images]

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