‘Bachelor’ 2017 Finale Spoilers: Nick Viall’s Final Rose Ceremony Brings Tears

Monday night viewers watched Nick Viall eliminate Rachel Lindsay on ABC’s The Bachelor 2017 and spoilers share that there is plenty more heartbreak on the way in the finale set to air on Monday, March 13. It’s down to Raven Gates and Vanessa Grimaldi and viewers are dying to know for certain how it all plays out heading into that final rose ceremony. What can everybody expect?

Unfortunately, the synopsis for the last show on TV Guide sheds no light whatsoever in terms of juicy Bachelor spoilers for the Week 12 episode that serves as the Season 21 finale. The site notes that Nick Viall will choose between his remaining two bachelorettes and everybody will get to see the “After the Final Rose” special that begins immediately after the two-hour show with the last dates and rose ceremony.

Gossip guru Reality Steve has been sharing Bachelor spoilers regarding Nick’s final rose and he has stuck by those teasers since filming ended. He says that Viall does get engaged to his pick and he has shared updates indicating that the two are still engaged at this point. However, he does say that he’s heard rumblings about some trouble in the relationship.

Not all that much is known yet about the last chance dates and what should be an opportunity for both Grimaldi and Gates to meet the Bachelor star’s family. However, so far, Reality Steve’s Bachelor spoilers have not revealed anything out of the ordinary happening. Of course, Raven already met some of Nick’s family when she got the one-on-one date in Wisconsin with him, so some might imagine that she will have a bit of a leg up on Vanessa. Will they throw a curveball at the Bachelor star by picking one woman for him while he’s leaning toward the other?

Which woman will end up engaged to Nick during the ‘Bachelor’ finale? [Image by KGC-146/STAR MAX/IPx 1/2/17]

Something like that just might be on the way, as Life & Style has teased that the final day of filming was quite emotional and difficult for Viall. They reveal Bachelor spoilers detailing that Nick broke down and needed a lot of support regarding his decision between Vanessa and Raven and filming stopped several times so he could talk with producers and host Chris Harrison about his choice. The teasers claim that he ultimately was in love with both women and had mixed emotions about his choice.

Will it be Vanessa Grimaldi or Raven Gates who ends up engaged to Nick? Reality Steve’s spoilers say that it’s Vanessa who will be the last woman standing, with Raven eliminated. How heartbroken will Raven be and how are things looking at this point for the engaged couple? Show creator Mike Fleiss recently tweeted that this Season 21 “After the Final Rose” will be exciting and historic, but people aren’t sure that they can believe the hype on this front.

Will it be lasting love for this 4-time contestant? [Image by Jeff Schear/Getty Images]

According to Reality Steve’s Bachelor spoilers, Nick and Vanessa are still together and he expects them to still be together during the “AFTR.” However, the gossip guru maintains that Viall and Grimaldi are struggling in their relationship and he clearly would be quite surprised if their relationship lasts for long.

Will Reality Steve’s spoilers regarding Nick Viall’s final rose pick be right and will there be any twisty shockers emerging heading into these last moments ahead? Will Vanessa Grimaldi be the last woman standing as Raven Gates is eliminated? ABC’s The Bachelor 2017 finale, as well as the “ATFR,” airs on Monday, March 13 and viewers cannot wait to see how everything plays out.

[Featured image by Phillip Faraone/Getty Images]

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