‘Skyrim’ DLC ‘Close’ To Releasing On PlayStation 3, Bethesda Says

While PC and Xbox 360 gamers have been able to enjoy all of Skyrim‘s post-launch DLC so far, PlayStation 3 owners were left out of all the fun due to technical issues.

Bethesda never went too much into detail on what sort of issues were holding back the PlayStation 3 version, and, for awhile it was looking like the developer might not be able to sort it out. Fortunately, there is now some hope of that happening.

Last night, Bethesda issued a tweet, saying that the firm is “close” to releasing new content on the PC and PlayStation 3. “To update: we’re also close on new Skyrim content for PS3 and PC,” the tweet read.

“Thanks to all our fans,” Bethesda said in a follow-up tweet. “We think you’ll love the new stuff. We know it takes us time and thanks for all your support and patience.”

Although it’s good news for PlayStation 3 owners that Bethesda is cooking up something Skyrim-related for them, it isn’t clear what exactly that is. Skyrim has two DLC packs, Dawnguard and Hearthfire, available on PC and Xbox 360.

Joystiq reached out to Bethesda for comment, and the developer declined to clarify what the tweets were referring to. “[The tweets were] simply meant to inform fans new content is coming to PC and PS3.”

It was recently revealed that Skyrim will be getting another full-fledged DLC, titled Dragonborn. The DLC will release on the Xbox 360 on December 4, but there’s currently no word on when PC — or possibly PlayStation 3 — will be getting their turn.

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