Jill Stein Vote Recount: It Appears Suddenly She’s Not So Worried About World War 3 [Opinion]
Jill Stein wants a vote recount of the 2016 election, and she’s raised almost $3 million in a very short time period to do just that, but why is the Green Party candidate suddenly on Hillary Clinton’s side? Surely Stein doesn’t believe the vote recount would show that she won the states she is advocating the recount for, right? After all, the fact that Jill won only 1 percent of the national vote means there’s no way she’d beat either Clinton or Trump if she took the states that she desires a recount in.
Was all that “if you vote for Hillary, you’re voting for World War Three” talk Jill Stein lectured Americans about before Election Day really just a scare tactic she was doling out in hopes of somehow meeting an unprecedented victory on November 8?
According to NBC News, Stein said regarding the 2016 election vote recount, “[W]e deserve election results we can trust.”
Okay, fine. But what about the fact that it’s rumored three million illegal immigrants voted for Hillary? Where is Jill’s concern with that allegation?
A week after Donald Trump’s presidential victory, the Inquisitr reported that Gregg Phillips of VoteStand made claims that upwards of two million illegal immigrants had cast votes for Clinton.
“Within several days, Phillips claimed that their system had ‘verified more than three million votes cast by non-citizens.'”
Where is Jill Stein’s concern about this? It seems to have as much if not more substance to it than this desperate attempt by Clinton allies to push a vote recount and thus devalue Trump’s win.
Of course, the mainstream media isn’t paying any mind to VoteStand’s allegations, except to debunk it with twisted op-ed journalistic “fact-checking,” but giving plenty of scrutiny to these so-called experts’ claim that goes in Hillary’s favor, so perhaps media bias is a factor in why Stein is concerned about only one side of the equation.
According to the Daily Mail, the experts making the hacking allegations lack any verifiable evidence, saying that in order to obtain it, Clinton would have to order a deeper analysis of the claim, paired with a complete vote recount.
Gregg Phillips’ VoteStand is a mobile application that gives its users the ability to report any election fraud they come into contact with. It is non-partisan in nature.
Phillips is also involved in True the Vote, an organization that also specializes in preventing voter and election fraud.
“As the nation’s largest nonpartisan, voters’ rights and election integrity organization, True the Vote exists to inspire and equip volunteers for involvement at every stage of America’s electoral process.”
Is Jill Stein doing her research? While it is difficult to find critical scrutiny from the elite press of the motivation behind this latest call for a vote recount, it does exist.
The Atlantic cited an article written by J. Alex Halderman, a University of Michigan computer science professor, which brings up an important point, one that Jill and other proponents of the vote recount should take into consideration. Halderman asks if the vehemently inaccurate polling done prior to the election was the result of hackers, then proceeds to answer his own question with “probably not.” His opinion is that it’s more likely the polls were “systematically wrong, rather than that the election was hacked.”
What about all of the multiple instances of voter fraud that happened this election season, caught by undercover Project Veritas journalists? Does Jill not know about it, or does it not fit her definition of “unfair”?
Stein stated that she is not fundraising for a vote recount because she wishes for it to help Hillary Clinton, but rather she’s doing it in the name of honesty and transparency. However, she’d be a fool to not see that her efforts have the potential, however small it might be, to put a war-loving criminal into office.
I suppose Jill really wasn’t all that worried about Clinton’s plan to interfere with Russian air space, which she passionately told her followers would catapult us into a nuclear weapon-filled World War III.
If Jill Stein truly wants a fair election, she should use some of the $3 million she’s raised to investigate Gregg Phillips’ claim that three million votes came from non-American citizens, because if it can be proven, all of this nonsense that the electronic voting machines in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin were rigged by hackers would be moot.
The Jill Stein vote recount fundraiser is angering many Trump supporters, as it should, because if the mainstream media practiced fair, bias-free reporting, perhaps she would have raised all of this money, which is no doubt being donated by Clinton supporters, for a very different reason: to put an end to the Democrat’s “rigged election” fairy tale.
[Featured Image by Win McNamee/Getty Images]