Ricky Schroder’s Wife Files For Divorce Just Weeks Before 24th Wedding Anniversary

Ricky Schroder’s wife Andrea has filed for divorce citing “irreconcilable differences” after nearly twenty-four years of marriage. Neither Ricky or Andrea have commented on the divorce but TMZ reports that Mrs. Schroder isn’t holding back when it comes to her divorce demands from the “Rickster,” as he is affectionately know to children of the 80s.

Ricky and Andrea Schroder during happier times. Photo by Kevin Winter/Getty Images.
Ricky and Andrea Schroder during happier times. Photo by Kevin Winter/Getty Images.

Ricky and Andrea Schroder were married on September 26, 1992, and seemed to be one of the rare couples to weather the Hollywood divorce storm until now. Andrea Schroder reportedly filed the paperwork in a Los Angeles court, stating the couple have been separated since June 1. The Schroders have four children together, though only one is still a minor, and Andrea is requesting full custody with visitation for Ricky as well as child support and spousal maintenance.

Just last year, Ricky shared a wedding picture on his Instagram of him and Andrea on their wedding day to celebrate their anniversary.


The Schroders still appear to be following each other on Instagram, with Ricky commenting “We raised ’em right. Full of courage and kindness” on a recent picture Andrea shared of their children on vacation, cliff diving.


There has been no speculation on what might have caused the Schroders marriage to fall apart, though Ricky and Andrea appeared to be taking separate vacations this past summer with him in Alaska and her in France. Though the Schroders put on happy faces at last year’s premiere of the television movie Dolly Parton’s Coat of Many Colors, in which Ricky starred, they are not immune to heartache.

In 1998, shortly after Ricky had taken on the role of Detective Danny Sorenson on NYPD Blue, Andrea, who was pregnant with their fourth child, suffered a placental abruption in the sixth month of pregnancy causing their son Seth to die in the womb. The loss was devastating to the Schroders, and Ricky left NYPD Blue for a short period of time to be with his wife. Ricky said the loss affected him for many years while he was out promoting Coat of Many Colors last year.

“It set me on a tail spin for a couple of years,” Ricky acknowledged. “I shouldn’t have let myself grieve that much but I really did because I felt like I lost all of that potential in that little boy, everything that he would’ve had, everything that he would have done.”

Schroder, who was playing the role of Dolly’s father in the biographical made-for-tv movie, pulled from his personal experience to get through the scenes in which the Partons lose their infant son during childbirth.

Nearly ten years after Seth’s death, the Schroder’s oldest son Holden nearly lost his life in a dirt bike accident. The eldest Schroder son suffered a significant head injury that required more than a year of rehab and still resulted in hearing loss. Still, despite those heartbreaking challenges Ricky and Andrea experienced as parents, they always held together as husband and wife.

In 2008, Andrea told People that it was the friendship that she and Ricky had that kept their marriage strong.

“The core of our relationship is our friendship. I put this quote up on Rick’s desk, and it says, ‘A good marriage is more than finding the right person, it’s being the right person,'” Andrea said. How the relationship between Ricky and Andrea soured remains a mystery for now.

Ricky Schroder was a child actor who gained the attention of Hollywood executives with his breakout role in The Champ starring Jon Voight. Schroder was one of the few child actors that was able to make the progression from child actor to teen heartthrob to respected adult actor, producer, and director.

In his teen years, Schroder graced the cover of many teen idol magazines, starring in the television show Silver Spoons. Ironically, Andrea Schroder was one of the many girls around the world who hoped to one day grow up to become Mrs. Ricky Schroder, and the couple often recounted the story of Andrea writing the premonition in her journal when she was 12-years-old.

With the news of their divorce coming to light, many forty-something women everywhere are probably wondering if they finally have a chance with their girlhood crush Ricky Schroder, star of Lonesome Dove and NYPD Blue, who is undoubtedly now just lonesome and blue.

Hold off a bit ladies. The Schroders’ divorce isn’t finalized, and Ricky and Andrea have shown they can overcome a lot of challenges. If you’re really desperate, Corey Feldman is single again after marrying and divorcing one of his fans.

[Photo by Mike Coppola/Getty Images]

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