Reenact bin Laden Raid For $325

Have you ever wondered what it was like to be a Navy Seal during the bin Laden raid? Well, wonder no longer. You now have the chance to take part in a reenactment of the raid for the cost of $325.

A little more than a year ago, Navy Seals raided a home in Pakistan and killed Osama bin Laden. However, the mission still takes place three times a week in a building in New Hope, Minnesota.

MPR News reports that Commander Larry Yatch, an ex Navy Seal, is offering people the chance to take part in a high-end role playing game. The game allows customers to practice at a gun range and completely reenact the Osama bin Laden raid using military grade paint rounds.

A raid group that that took part of the reenactment back in July included a former Marine, a facial plastic surgeon, a marketing strategist, an I.T. consultant, and two guys who like to shoot guns on weekends.

After the team went through some training and introductions, Yatch explained the mission. They needed to enter the compound silently and head toward bin Laden’s bedroom. They should try to capture him alive unless he starts shooting back.

”If he presents a lethal threat, take him out,” Yatch instructed. ”I don’t want to have to write a letter to any of your parents, okay?”

If the mission goes horribly wrong, Yatch warned, that it would basically be every man for himself. “We have to have complete deniability, so you obviously aren’t a Seal if you get picked up in Pakistan.”

Yatch opened Sealed Mindset Firearms Studio, a 10,000 square foot studio, with his wife Anne back in April. Since the studio’s opening, 137 people have already signed up to take part in the experience.

Yatch’s aim is not only to have his customers have a good time with the re-enactment; his true goal is to teach them skills that they could use to protect themselves.

”If you spend every weekend shooting or every day at the dojo working on your martial arts, you’re halfway to being safe,” he said. ”It’s the people that maybe might be a little intimidated around a gun or don’t necessarily feel comfortable having to fight with someone, those are the people who we can make the biggest difference in their lives.”

Yatch explains that, when it comes down to it, people can be very resourceful with the right training.

”Anyone can learn to be safe,” he said. ”Anyone can learn to defend themselves from a lethal threat.”

In addition to the bin Laden raid reenactment, Sealed Mindset offers 73 defense classes each month and different “live scenario trainings”. These trainings include fake kidnappings, fake carjackings, and even a fake shooting by a disgruntled employee.

Here is a video of the bin Laden reenactment … enjoy.

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