Ashley Graham Shows Off Her Hot Curves Again & Find Out If She Would Pose Nude

Ashley Graham made news when she became the first plus size model ever to grace the cover of Sports Illustrated magazine, the Inquisitr had reported. Not only did she prove to be a great role model for average-sized women around the world, Ashley Graham is, in fact, two sizes bigger than an average American woman.

She candidly talked with Sports Illustrated about the controversial topic of posing nude. She was part of Empowering Women NUC’s inaugural Body Inclusivity and Diversity Summit. The group was at the United Nations headquarters in NYC where Lane Bryant showcased its collection.

“We aim to empower all women to embrace themselves as they are no matter what size or shape she identifies as, and to actively embrace what makes her feel most confidence,” said Lane Bryant President and CEO Linda Heasley. She further emphasized that she would continue to talk about body diversity. “And we will continue to lead the body-positive conversation, by pushing for including in all facets of the fashion world.”

Do you think Ashley would set a new example by posing nude? Ashley Graham never shies away from sharing her thoughts on being a woman who is not the same size as other models. She even goes on to say that she does not like the phrase “real woman.”

“I don’t like to use the words ‘real women,’ honestly,” she told Elle in February. “I like to use the word ‘woman.’ And I say that because there are so many women out there who are naturally thin, or are naturally curvy.”

She has inspired many women with her TEDx talk in Spain. She talks about how she stays confident in a world where society almost worships thinness. Ashley made a great point when she said, “I felt free once [she] realized [she] was never going to fit the mold that society wanted me to fit in,” she said. “I was never going to be perfect enough for an industry that defines perfection from the outside and that’s okay. Rolls, curves, cellulite, all of it – I love every part of me,” People reported.

It looks like Ashley Graham is very proud of her dress size and her curvy body. However, there is no dearth of haters when it comes to any plus size model and that’s what happened with the gorgeous Ashley Graham. The Inquisitr had reported that Cheryl Tiegs, a former Sports Illustrated model criticized Ashley Graham for her size and said one should have a waist smaller than 35 inches. However, Ashley Graham took on the criticism like a true winner and said she was left “a little speechless” by the comment, Access Hollywood reported.

She said, “Oh my goodness. It’s so interesting because Cheryl has been an inspiration because she is a Sports Illustrated girl for so long and I think what this is doing is proving that beauty does come in all shapes and sizes and I applaud Sports Illustrated.” However, Tiegs went on to clarify herself and said that she was misunderstood. “Being anorexic/bulimic/overweight all connected to health problems. I want all to be as healthy as they can.”

Ashley Graham says she suffered insecurities about her body when she was younger and that she had no one to look up to. “Girls who are insecure about their bodies, girls who feel fat, girls who have cellulite, girls who have stretch marks on their body — those are all the things that I had as a kid and I never had a woman like me growing up to look at. I had my mother and that’s one thing, but to have somebody who has cellulite, who has things that jiggle, who has back fat and talk about how you can be an overcome and not let society take you down for all of that. That’s real,” Graham said, according to Style News.

Do you think Ashley Graham should pose nude?

[Photo by Dimitrios Kambouris/ Getty Images]

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