Blogger Organizes Pro-Rape Rallies Across The World — Women’s Boxing Team To Crash One On Saturday
Daryrush Valizedeh is a blogger who has argued numerous times that rape should be legal if it’s done on personal property. He’s better known as “Roosh V” and the U.S. blogger is the founder of “Return of Kings,” an international web group for “heterosexual, masculine men.” He promises a total of 165 covert pro-rape meetings/rallies in 43 countries and they’re all set to take place on Saturday night. One all women’s boxing team has plans to crash any meeting held in Toronto.
According to the Washington Times, Valizadeh is a self-described pick-up artist who has drawn hatred from around the world for a blog post he wrote in February of 2015. In the post, Roosh V spoke of making rape legal and “not punishable by law when done off public grounds.”
Roosh V had called for the pro-rape rallies to be held in a public place such as city parks, but they would be run in an organized manner. For instance, men in Chicago were to meet at a flagpole near Rogers Park at 8 p.m. on Saturday evening. Anyone who was there for the rally was to give out a secret question.
“Do you where I can find a pet shop?”
Those who are members of the group will respond with “Yes, it’s right here.” Once the time reaches 8:20 p.m., the meeting will begin by following a specific group leader to a secret location.
Women, trans men, and gay men were all banned from attending the rallies. Men under the age of 21 were also banned from attending.
As the day of the pro-rape rallies has drawn closer, more and more attention has been given to Roosh V. He has been posting on his Twitter account that he’s reached new levels of popularity on the internet and around the world.
I’m currently more popular than Jeb Bush lol
— Roosh (@rooshv) February 3, 2016
Many cities and states have renounced the blogger and have no intention of allowing him to hold his meetings. Some police forces have even issued APBs for the locations where they know the meetings were scheduled to be held.
Paper Mag has reported that there are people other than the authorities who plan on doing something. An all women’s boxing team known as the Toronto Newsgirls have every intention of showing up wherever some “rape enthusiasts” may appear for their meeting and taking out their anger on the men.
The Metro said that the boxing club is not afraid of doing what needs to be done. A spokesperson for the club said they are prepared to show that women are not afraid of Roosh V or his followers.
“Pictures will show up online of women wearing boxing gloves, and blah, blah, blah; the photos of us will show women that being powerful is an option. And I think that’s what needs to happen against this d—–bag.”
As word spread of Daryush “Roosh V” Valizadeh’s plans and what he intended to do with his meetings, he recently went online and said his legal rape blog post on Return of Kings was meant to be satire. Even with that admittance, he has continued to get tons of backlash and more hatred than ever.
Well, now the authorities and the Toronto Newsgirls may not have to worry about any rallies on Saturday.
New post: ANNOUNCEMENT: The Meetup On February 6 Is Cancelled
— Roosh (@rooshv) February 4, 2016
While that may seem quite simple in that the “Meetup” on Feb. 6 is cancelled, there is more to it in the link. Followers of Roosh V may not be able to read it though as the Return of Kings website has been down for most of Tuesday evening and is inaccessible.
The L.A. Times has reported that the meetups were cancelled because Roosh V can “no longer guarantee the safety or privacy of the men who want to attend.” Valizadeh went on to say there will be no official Return of Kings meetups and that he is sorry, but he can’t stop “men who want to continue meeting in private groups.”
Daryrush Valizedeh and his legal rape blog post, satirical or not, has caused a huge stir around the world for those in support of him and opposing him. Roosh V’s meetups will not happen now and some will say that the police and groups like the Toronto Newsgirls boxing team are responsible for that.
[Image via YouTube | courtesy Liz Beddall/Metro News]