Cynthia Bailey On Rocky Marriage: ‘Please Continue To Keep Us In Prayer’

Cynthia Bailey was shocked when her husband got caught up in a video scandal on Instagram, and the issue was addressed on the first episode this season of The Real Housewives Of Atlanta. Cynthia was truly questioning what her husband was thinking, and it didn’t help the situation that he suddenly packed up his bags and left their home in Atlanta.

Cynthia Bailey had been waiting for a call from him, but she didn’t hear from him. Suddenly, he was back home and they had to talk about their marriage. Despite agreeing that they had to work harder on making things work, Bailey is now revealing that she does want continued prayer. It is quite possible that things simply aren’t working out.

According to a new Bravo report, Cynthia Bailey is now revealing that she is grateful that she’s getting support from Leon, who is the father of their daughter. Plus, he knows how she is in relationships and that she often wants to flee when things get tough.

“Leon and I have known each other for almost 20 years. Not only is he the father of my child, he is also a friend. I was not surprised that he advised me to fight for my marriage. He knows better than anyone that I have walked away from most of my past relationships, however, a marriage is different. I thought it was respectful and admirable of him to encourage me to try to work my marriage out before giving up. I appreciate his love and support,” Cynthia explains in her blog.

Bailey felt that she had hit her breaking point because he wasn’t communicating with her. Even during her eyewear launch party, he completely disregarded her. He tried to walk away from the drama, but the confrontations made him completely flip out. He admitted to doing what he did in the video, and he was upset that he was now in this situation. But Peter tried to own his actions.

The lack of disregard and level of disrespect he showed was upsetting to Bailey. The next morning, he had left for Charlotte, North Carolina, without saying anything to her. She felt disrespected, and she didn’t hear from him for days. So when he finally came home, Cynthia had questioned whether her marriage was truly worth fighting for, as she hadn’t heard from him.

“It was absolutely difficult to have a serious conservation with my husband regarding the fate of our marriage. Everyone has a breaking point, and at that time, I felt like I had reached mine. I wanted to keep an open mind and listen to Peter, however it was important to me to be heard and have my words be received,” Cynthia Bailey reveals in her blog, sharing that she didn’t feel that Peter was truly listening to her concerns.

Of course, Cynthia Bailey wanted to give her husband a chance to explain himself. Maybe he had some feelings on his mind that he wanted to share. But he was very defensive, saying that he couldn’t be blamed for how things were going down.

“When I asked Peter if he is the kind of person who stays in a relationship even if it is no longer working, I needed to hear his truth. I know I am not that person. I don’t want to be a part of anything that is unhealthy and no longer serves my life purpose. I truly believe the only reason for being in a relationship/marriage is to be a better and happier person than you are alone. I know that all relationships go through their ups and downs, but there should be more good times than bad times. More light than darkness. After our conversation, my heart told me not to give up, and to try to work it out. I appreciate everyone’s well wishes and kind words. Please continue to keep us in prayer,” she ends her blog.

Clearly, Bailey is still dealing with marital issues as she is asking for prayer. One can imagine that it will take a long time to work through these issues, as Cynthia admitted to Peter that she may have stopped loving him, according to Radar Online. Even though they got married on the show, one can imagine that they don’t want to get divorced on The Real Housewives of Atlanta.

What do you think of Cynthia Bailey’s blog? Are you surprised they could still be struggling?

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