High-five to the Boston Police for their excellent response to their site being hacked [Video]

Law enforcement site hacks are pretty common place these days and typical the response from those hacked agencies are either dry and boring as hell or there is a lot of chest beating about how they will hunt down those nasty hackers responsible and make them pay.

So when the Boston Police Department’s site became a victim of an Anonymous hack attack the last thing we expected in response was – humor; except that is exactly what BPD did, they treated the whole incident with a great sense of humor.

The hack which happened over a week ago and left the site down for the following week left visitors to the BPDNews.com with nothing to look at, and listen to, than a really bad YouTube video of the 90’s rapper KRS-One singing ‘Sound of da Police’.

However the official BPDNews.com is back up and instead of some rant against the hackers the Boston Police Department decided to have some fun with a video of their own. As Elaine Driscoll, Boston Police Department spokeswoman, said that they realized that they needed to make a statement about the hack but decided to go with a more light-hearted approach.

“It is a serious situation when something like that occurs, but that said, we’re looking for a light-hearted way to communicate with the community, apologize for the convenience and inform them of other ways to connect with us on social media.”

Here’s the video, which I thought was pretty good .. how about you?

via TechnoBuffalo

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