“Define an English Person” Google Search Results Unexpectedly NSFW

Here in America, the Brits are like our cool older brothers, with fancier words, cooler rock bands and a bad ass accent that always makes us feel like poor Southern cousins.

If you asked any American to define an English person, you’d probably get lots of answers about the Queen, or the Beatles, or James Bond, or other stuff we think is a bit more high-class than our folksy culture. Which is why a lot of people today have been amused and surprised by what seems to be a rather rude easter egg or Google bomb on the part of Google when you search for the phrase “define an English person.”

The search results probably won’t get you kicked out of work or set you down on the wrong side of safe search parameters- no shocking or awful images pop up, for instance, but the first entry is actually a word that is a bit of a point of contention between English speaking cultures. In some, it’s a general swear, used comically and while not always in polite company, not one that will cause people to clutch their pearls. (If I understand correctly.) In others, it’s one of the gravest insults you can sling at a woman in particular, a crude word for the female anatomy that elicits shocks and gasps from pretty much anyone when used outside the context of BDSM relationships.

Figured it out yet? Well, I may not be a lady, but I’m not going to tell you. You can click here to google “define an English person,” but don’t say I didn’t warn you about offensive four-letter words. What do you think is behind the results?

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