Gov. Nikki Haley Rival Calls Her A ‘Whore’ Or Did He? [Video]

Nikki Haley, the Republican governor of South Carolina, was called a “whore” by her Democrat opponent Vincent Sheheen during a politically rally Thursday night.

Haley is the first woman to serve as the state’s governor.

During the campaign really in Florence, S.C., Sheheen — who lost to Haley for governor four years ago — offered up a litany of Haley’s policy shortcomings followed by “We are going to escort whore out the door.”

Perhaps realizing what might be considered a Freudian slip, the state senator seemingly corrected himself by quickly saying “We’re going to escort her out the door.” The audience and Sheheen himself seemed to act like the verbal gymnastics were pretty funny, though.

Responding to the flub, a representative for the South Carolina Democrats denied that Sheheen used the word whore and that he was just tongue tied. According to the party’s communications director, Haley’s challenger has a “very heavy Southern accent,” that the candidate “jumbled” and “garbled” his words together, “and he very clearly re-enunciated to make himself clear,” Talking Points Memo reported.

Watch the video below and draw your own conclusions as to whether this was a slur against the governor.

Criticism of Haley from some Democrats in South Carolina has been of a personal nature before.

Last year, for instance, the chairman of the state’s Democrat Party declared that Haley should “go back to wherever she came from.” That statement was perceived as having racial overtones in that Haley is the daughter of Indian immigrants.

The official subsequently claimed that he was referring to “Lexington County.” The same official previously compared Haley to Adolph Hitler’s mistress Eva Braun.

As things stand now, Nikki Haley is expected to be reelected as governor in the rematch on November 4. According to Real Clear Politics polling data, she currently enjoys a 15-point lead over Sheheen.

Conservative writer Moe Lane suggested that the slip may reflect what Sheheen was secretly thinking. “Vincent Sheheen probably did not mean to call Nikki Haley a wh*re. But he most certainly meant it. And probably has said so, in a more private setting that this one. And before you tell me that that’s unfair… remember something about that crowd: they ate that line up.”

Given that all candidates are probably pretty worn out at this late stage of the campaign season, do you think the Vincent Sheheen comment about Nikki Haley was an accident or an example of the war on women?

[image credit: Gage Skidmore]

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