Warren Jeffs Fathered Baby With 15-Year-Old-Girl [Expert Testimony]

Polygamist Warren Jeffs fathered a child with a 15-year-old girl according to expert testimony which included DNA results taken from Jeffs and the teenager. Jeffs is the leader of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and is currently representing himself in court after firing his lawyer last week.

The 55-year-old cult leader is charged with sexual assault on the 15-year-old and another charge of the same type against a 12-year-old girl.

Jeffs last week claimed that as god he would kill the judge and jurors for judging him and recently filed a motion to dismiss Judge Barbara Walther claiming that she’s a “woman of evil intent.”

Jeffs said in an open letter to the San Angelo Standard-Times:

“Let also Barbara Walthers (sic) be of a humbling to know I have sent a crippling disease upon her which shall take her life soon.”

Believe it or not his motion to have the judge dismissed was denied.

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