Introducing The Inquisitr Team

As of yesterday The Inquisitr writing team has been finalized, so it’s my pleasure to introduce the writers who will be delivering your daily dose of tech, pop and penguins (in addition to me).

Pop Writer: Meieli Sawyer Detoni

Meieli Sawyer Detoni is a journalist who contributes to major print and online sources worldwide. While she specializes in celebrity, fashion, and lifestyle topics, she has written on just about everything else during her career. When she’s not working, she’s busy critiquing Tom Cruise, Victoria B., and Britney. Which basically means that she’s always working. It’s a good thing that she loves it!

In addition to heading up Pop here, you can find Meieli scattered across the web on major blog networks. She currently lives in the U.S. and calls Brazil her second home.

Tech Writer: JR Raphael

JR Raphael brings a wealth of journalism experience and tech know-how to The Inquisitr. Raphael’s journey into multimedia communications dates way back to the era of the dial-up bulletin board system, when “high-speed” meant 14.4 BPS. He developed and operated a successful BBS for years before the internet became a mainstream entity.

More recently, Raphael has written and produced countless television specials, newscasts, and web presentations for network TV affiliates in Southeastern and Midwestern America. He now works as a full-time writer, crafting columns for a variety of print and online publications. His work has been honored with an Emmy, three Murrows, and several top distinctions from the Associated Press.

Raphael is unabashedly obsessed with all things electronic and scours the earth for the coolest (and most often completely unnecessary) gadgets known to man. He is particularly proud of the nine multifunctional remotes that grace his home and give his girlfriend an instant migraine any time she tries to operate an appliance.

Tech Writer: Minic Rivera

Minic hasn’t sent his bio across yet, but Minic is extremely well known in the blogging world, having started at The Blogging Times (where he’s recently returned to), and went on write at The Blog Herald and edit 901am. You’ll see Minic posting regularly on Fridays and Saturdays.

Other writing positions:
We’ve had a few enquiries about writing positions, both in a paid capacity and guest writing since launching this week. At this stage the budget doesn’t allow for any more paid positions, but we’ll happily keep people on file should any positions arise in the future. We’re always happy to consider guest posts, and will provide appropriate attribution on any post submitted.

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