Car Gets Towed After City Workers Create New Handicap Space [Video]

The footage you are about to see is not from some prank show. No one is getting Punk’d. There’s not a secret camera crew waiting to jump out and yell “Surprise, you’re on Candid Camera.” No, the video, which captures two city workers painting a handicapped spot around a woman’s legally parked car, was taken with a security camera.

According to Gawker, student Hila Ben Baruch parked her car in a legally marked space in Tel Aviv. When she returned to her vehicle, however, she saw a freshly painted handicapped spot where her car used to be.

Baruch complained to the city and told them that it wasn’t a handicapped parking spot when she parked there. The city, of course, was skeptical.

The city told Baruch to fork over $365 and told her to stop parking in handicap spaces. That is until Baruch managed to find the CCTV footage to prove her innocence.

Baruch posted the video on her Facebook page, writing:

“To see and not believe … While the car was parked in a white-and-blue [legal] zone, two city hall workers arrived and began painting a handicapped space around the car!”

Baruch got the ticket thrown out and has been receiving apologies all day. Deputy Tel Aviv mayor Asaf Zamir apologized for the incident and said that the city worker’s should have notified the parking inspectors about Baruch’s car.

The municipality wrote in a statement to the Jerusalem Post:

“This was a severe mistake and a case of incompetence that the city of Tel Aviv does not accept – We apologize for the distress caused by the incident and we are examining the case so that such incidents do not happen again in the future. The contractor who arrived at the scene marked it as a handicapped spot, but, contrary to procedure did not notify the city inspection department.”

Here’s the video.

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