Hillary Clinton: Donald Trump ‘Thin-Skinned’ And ‘Dangerously Incoherent’

Hillary Clinton tore into rival Donald Trump during a major policy speech today, calling the Republican nominee “dangerously incoherent” and “unfit” to be president.

The rhetorical battle between Trump and Clinton heated up today when Hillary took aim at Donald’s proposed foreign policy, and his penchant for personal attacks. Clinton delved deep into Trump’s policies, attacking them line by line and painting Trump as a fundamentally unfit leader. The Clinton speech marks a shift toward the general election, with the former secretary of State taking a more direct approach in her attacks against Donald Trump.

“[Trump] doesn’t understand America or the world,” Clinton said, targeting his policies she continued, “They’re not really ideas, just a series of bizarre rants, personal feuds and outright lies.”

Today’s Clinton speech was more than a litany of attacks against Donald Trump; it was a preview of her general election arguments against Trump, framing herself as an experienced, well-prepared commander-in-chief-to-be and painting Trump as a dangerous outsider, reports Salon.

“It’s not hard to imagine Donald Trump leading us into a war just because somebody got under his very thin skin,” Clinton said.


Hillary has yet to secure the Democratic nomination, but the polls are starting to move in her favor ahead of next week’s critical California primary. With a sizable lead in the popular vote, and in delegates, Democratic insiders are looking to Clinton as the presumptive nominee, while Bernie Sanders continues to push for his supporters to turn out the vote and turn the tide against Clinton.

According to the Washington Post, Clinton’s most recent attacks against Trump target his greatest weakness when compared to Clinton: his inexperience in world affairs. Early on in the Republican primary race, Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz both tried going negative against Donald Trump and failed miserably, but today’s Clinton speech takes the offense against Trump by using Trump’s words and policies against him.

“We all know the tools Donald Trump brings to the table: bragging, mocking, composing nasty tweets. I’m willing to bet he’s writing a few right now,” said Hillary Clinton.

Naturally, Donald Trump took to Twitter to criticize Clinton’s attacks and had a few of his own, one of which echoed an attack Barack Obama had previously used against Clinton during the 2008 election. Trump hasn’t been shy about bringing up Hillary Clinton’s record as a line of attack. Back when she was a senator, Hillary Clinton voted in favor of the Iraq invasion. That, coupled with her involvement in the Benghazi fiasco that saw four Americans killed, have been Trump’s key lines of defense against Clinton.

“She’s one of the worst secretaries of state in the history of our country. Now she wants to be our president? Look, I’ll be honest, she has no natural talent to be president,” said Donald Trump during a rally Wednesday night.

Both Trump and Sanders have called into question Hillary Clinton’s judgment – between her emails, Benghazi, and her vote in favor of the Iraq war, the attacks have been constant and they’ve been effective at whittling down her poll numbers. But today Clinton came out with her own attacks against Trump, and she hit Trump hard on several of his key weaknesses.

“He is trying to scam America the way he scammed all those people at Trump University,” she said.

Hillary Clinton’s speech today highlighted the depth of the divide between Republicans and Democrats this election season; with frontrunners on both sides digging into each other with a relentless barrage of attacks, this election season is likely to be incredibly divisive. Clinton alluded to the deepening divide between Trump supporters and the rest of America, stating that this election is about more than Republican and Democratic values.

“This is not just about Republican versus Democrat, Trump is unlike any presidential candidate we have seen and he is fundamentally unfit to be our commander-in-chief,” Hillary Clinton said today.

[Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images]

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