Alleged ‘Homewrecker’ Gives Devastating Hit To Social Critics, And It’s Epic

Alleged “homewrecker” DesJuan Benson delivered quite the devastating hit to social critics who have ridiculed him as one cause of particular relationship failures. However, this was his response to all those who weren’t part of the inside joke but took things to a serious level.

“Okay. My friends playfully call me a home wrecker. So some people think that I am a home wrecker. I’m not, as evidenced by the many homes you see.”

“But it’s always some simple b***h dating some bi-curious n***a that accuses me of really being a home wrecker. Let me explain something. If I WAS a home wrecker, do you know what you’d be? HOMELESS!!!”

“Oh my goodness. I’m d**n near a real estate agent! I help people FIND good homes!!! I’m a mortgage broker! I’m helping b***hes afford homes that they can’t actually afford!!”

“If I was a home wrecker, I’d be like Katrina on the MS Gulf Coast!! I’d level whole towns and there’d be no news coverage. I’d sweep mansions off of their foundations. So stop assuming and be glad that I’m NOT a home wrecker.”

Afterwards, DesJuan posted this #devastating photo of Hurricane Katrina’s destruction as a visual elaboration. [Image via Facebook]

Wow. Do you think the analogies helped create an epic response? It’s easy for people to join in a conversation without knowing all the information, yes?

According to Ohio University, people tend to play the blame game. Specifically, the institution notes that “blame is simply “a very natural thing to do.” So, why not find someone who could take the fall for things gone wrong in someone’s relationship, right? As it seems, maybe they were off-target by aiming for DesJuan — who also goes by “True Wordskill.”

Urban Dictionary actually provides a unique but widely acceptable version of “homewrecker.” It states as follows.

“One who comes into your life, and screws it all up. This involves stealing your boyfriend/girlfriend, puppy, your friends, until they pretty much take over your entire life.”

From Benson’s aforementioned response, he noted that he could level relationships if he wanted. However, he chooses not to do so, particular from his upbringing. According to his profile, he noted that his family gave him a good life as a child and taught him well.

Moreover, a commentator, Jasmine Evans, noted that it doesn’t matter about gender when it comes to homewrecking. Also, if conditions weren’t so great before interference, is the person at fault? She stated as follows.

“Sorry True a homewrecker is a homewrecker even if they have a penis or a vagina. You cant really call someone a homewrecker if the house was already torn down. You just the clean up woman. A lot of us do get us confused with homewrecking.”

Regarding background, originally, DesJuan Benson is from Crystal Springs, Mississippi. However, he lives near the University of Southern Mississippi in Hattiesburg, Mississippi, according to his Facebook profile.

Benson’s post is in sync with his personal theology and political views. Within the post’s comments, he basically expressed that these accusers were nothing relevant or significant to his life — but only that he preferred to straighten things out before they had a chance to become messy through hearsay.

In his “political views” section of the “About Me” category, he states as follows.

“People, as a group, are stupid and/or weak. Manage them to the best of your abilities.”

Alleged 'Homewrecker' Gives Devastating Hit To Social Critics, And It's Epic - DesJuan Benson II
DesJuan Benson/True Wordskill [Image via Facebook]
The Harvard Business Review also noted a similar concept in one of its 2015 articles. It discussed how managers look at employees as a group. Within the report, it stated, “We need employees who can think, not just follow orders.” That’s kind of how it is when groups of people are gathered. Ideally, there’s a leader, and the rest tend to be followers.

So, maybe True Wordskill’s “homewrecker” accusers came as a group, following the accusations of a “leader” so to speak?

Nevertheless, what are your thoughts? Do you feel the same about people who attempt to make your life more difficult as DesJuan feels? Feel free to share in the comment section.

[Image via True Wordskill/Facebook]

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