For month upon month and even over the last year, rumors have gone wild that Tom Welling would one day don the cape and appear as Superman on The Flash or Supergirl . Nothing has ever been confirmed or really come from the creators of those shows and if some kind of Smallville crossover would ever happen. Well, he’s finally decided to address the rumors and Welling has spoken out on playing Superman again.
First of all, rumors broke out that Welling was going to end up appearing on The Flash sometime during this second season. That rumor began back in April on Reddit, and it had a few other possibilities taking place as well.
“Now, from what I gather, this Superman is going to be played by Tom Welling and his Superman may or may not be tied to Smallville but I think that the end season 1 would introduce an alternate timeline where Superman exists and Caitlin and Cisco are metahumans.”
Caitlin is Killer Frost , in some form or another, and Cisco has shown his metahuman capabilities already a number of times. All that is needed for that rumor to be entirely true is for Tom Welling to show up as Superman from Smallville , but will it happen?
Once Supergirl began its first season on CBS this year, rumors started up even further because of Superman’s cousin having her own show. Add on that Welling got on the payroll for CBS for a new show called Section 13 , and talk about adding fuel to the rumor-filled fire.
Welling has finally been asked straight up by Buzzfeed if he would ever end up playing Superman again, and if he would show up on Supergirl . This was his response.
Tom Welling on the odds he’d ever play Superman on #Supergirl (didn’t make the final piece)
— Jarett Wieselman (@JarettSays) January 27, 2016
Seems that kind of says it.
Yes, Welling did play Clark Kent for 10 years on Smallville , and these new comic book shows had the way paved for them by that series. Everyone would love to see Superman cross over into either the universe of Supergirl or The Flash , and it may happen one day.
The thing is, it just may not be Tom Welling playing the role of the “Man of Steel.”
Shows like The Flash and Arrow have really brought great new life into the comic book genre of television, and they are extremely successful. Welling has said that he’s a big fan of both of those series on The CW and is proud of them, according to ComicBookResources .
“It’s a compliment. I’m very proud of shows like ‘Arrow’ [and] ‘The Flash.’ They’re able to ground these characters so that the viewer can relate on a human level to people who used to be only in two dimensions.”
Tom Welling knows how grueling it is to be the star of a comic book TV show and said for 10 years on Smallville , he was on set from 6 a.m. until 1 a.m. just about every single day. He knows what it’s like to be “cut off from everyone.”
One of the key stars that brought a lot of structure and strength to the comic book television genre is Tom Welling. He brought forth a decade-long series in Smallville that is still enjoyed by so many people today, and it has spawned a brand new generation of shows.
Supergirl is succeeding on its own. The Flash and Arrow are both doing better than ever for The CW. Legends of Tomorrow has a whole lot of promise. Maybe one day, Superman will show up on one of these shows, but it’s seeming less and less likely that the role will be played by Tom Welling.
[Image via The CW]