Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Jokes About His 'Brain Worm' Condition While Trying to Impress Libertarians

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Jokes About His 'Brain Worm' Condition While Trying to Impress Libertarians
Cover Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Mario Tama

Independent presidential candidate, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., mocked his own 'brain worm' condition while delivering a speech at the Libertarian National Convention held in Washington, D.C.  As per The Hill, the jab occurred as he was enumerating instances of what he claimed were Bill of Rights abuses by the government. “It was the Red Scare in the 1920s. It was [Sen.] Joe McCarthy in the 1950s. It was civil rights protests and the Vietnam War protesters in the 1960s. It was the war on drugs in the 1970s. It was the war on terror after 2001. And most recently, it was the COVID-19 pandemic,” he cited, before joking, “Maybe a brain worm ate that part of my memory.”  


“Again and again, they’ve cited some pretext to suspend and volunteer — and violate our constitutional rights. There’s always a reason why, right now, the rights are an inconvenience that we can’t afford,” Kennedy opined. As per The Daily Mail, Kennedy and former President, Donald Trump, both wish to steal Libertarian supporters. The crowd greeted Kennedy, who attempted to win his spot on ballots across the country, by denouncing the lockdowns imposed by Trump during the early stages of the pandemic


Kennedy referring to Dr. Anthony Fauci, who led the COVID-19 response for both Trump and Joe Biden, accused Trump of closing down 3.3 million businesses. “President Trump said he was going to run America like a business, and he came in and he gave the keys to all of our businesses to a 50-year bureaucrat who’d never been elected to anything and had no accountability." 


He continued, "President Trump presided over the greatest restriction on individual liberties this country has ever known." Kennedy, a well-known vaccine skeptic, also chastised the Biden administration for attempting to disseminate medical 'malinformation' — which is 'information that is factually accurate but it's nonetheless inconvenient.' "I'm curious to know how President Trump is going to defend his attacks on the Constitution when I meet him on the debating stage," Kennedy remarked further. 


If Biden and Trump do take the stage on June 27, it will be the earliest general election debate in the history of presidential contests, according to a report released by CNN last week. As per ABC News, Kennedy is most likely to join the debate since he has been the subject of two qualifying polls — surveys conducted in late April by Quinnipiac University and CNN/SSRS, both of which found that Kennedy has the support of 16 percent of registered voters. 

Image Source: Getty Images| Photo by Mario Tama
Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Mario Tama

By vowing to pardon government whistleblower, Edward Snowden, who is presently living in exile in Russia, and to dismiss espionage charges against Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks who is resisting US efforts to extradite him from Britain, Kennedy raised the spirits of Libertarians. “President Trump also assaulted the First Amendment and failed to defend press freedom when he continued President Obama’s persecution and prosecution of Julian Assange,” he declared. “Assange should be celebrated as a hero. He did exactly what journalists are supposed to do, which is to expose government corruption. We shouldn’t put him in prison. We should have a monument to him here in Washington DC." As per The Guardian, he further impressed the crowd by asserting, “All of our constitutional rights were plowed under. They closed all the churches but they kept open the Walmarts and the liquor stores.”

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