Mary Trump, the niece of former President Donald Trump , recently shared insights into what she perceives as a ‘dangerous’ character trait of her uncle, a trait she traces back to a humiliating childhood incident. In a series of TikTok videos, Mary recalled a formative event she believes shaped Donald’s inability to laugh at himself; a behavior she deems problematic. Mary recalled an episode from her uncle’s childhood, which she refers to as Donald’s ‘origin story.’ The incident occurred when Donald’s older brother, Fred, tried to curb his younger brother’s bullying by dumping a bowl of mashed potatoes on Donald’s head. This act successfully halted the bullying and soothed the younger brother, Robert.
As per HuffPost , this event, Mary explained, was often revisited at family gatherings, consistently nudging the same reaction from Donald. She said, “…probably felt humiliated for the first time in his life…Every single time, even six decades after the event itself occurred, Donald reacted exactly the same way. While everybody was laughing about it, he crossed his arms. And he pouted and he sulked until somebody changed the subject.” Mary Trump elaborated on the incident’s significance in another TikTok video , emphasizing, “I think it says something about Donald that even as a little kid, he was incapable of having a sense of humor about himself, which is really not great. Kids need to have that kind of resilience that he never had. But worse, at seven decades later, he still does not have the ability to laugh at himself, which I think is a dangerous thing.”
As an estranged niece, Mary has frequently criticized her uncle, particularly as he pursues the 2024 presidential nomination . She previously said, “I don’t think he has any political ideology. For him, this is just expedient. I would say he behaves like a white supremacist, certainly. He’s acting on his own racism. He’s doing racist things that are endangering people of color in this country. That’s much more important, so whether he would describe himself as a white supremacist or not, he’s certainly acting like one,” as reported by The Guardian .
As per Newsweek , Mary Trump’s criticisms extend beyond childhood anecdotes. In May, she issued a stark warning about the potential consequences of a second Trump term, expressing fears that her uncle’s return to the White House could be catastrophic. She wrote, “We are so turned around that many of us blame the man who has actually tried to fix the horrific damage his predecessor inflicted on all of us while giving a pass to the man who landed us here. And not only is Donald getting a pass; tens of millions of [Americans] want to give him almost unlimited power which he will wield in ways that will destroy us.”