Captain America: Civil War is currently filming, and there are a lot of rumors going around about Marvel’s huge film. It’s going to be interesting to see how Spider-Man fits into everything and if Hulk will show up and especially who will side with whom. Well, some big rumors have now come out and detail who is on Team Iron Man and who will be on Team Captain America for the big battle.
The big question will be, “Whose side are you on?” and El Mayimbe has some hot rumors about the teams to help you make your decision. Remember, these are just rumors for now, but are said to be from strong sources.
Team Iron Man
- The Vision
- Spider-Man
- Iron Man
- Black Widow
- War Machine
Earlier rumors had Black Widow siding with Captain America, and a lot of people believed that from their relationship in The Winter Soldier . It appears as if those rumors are wrong though, and now she will side with Tony Stark.
El Mayimbe does state that someone could be a “double agent,” so it’s interesting to think who that may be as well.
Then again, anyone who knows anything about the comic book version of Civil War may think differently. Remember, there is a reason that Marvel worked out such a gigantic deal with Sony for the rights to use Spider-Man in the MCU .
Team Captain America
- Captain America
- Hawkeye
- Falcon
- Scarlet Witch
- The Winter Soldier
- Ant-Man
Earlier rumors also had Ant-Man as siding with Iron Man, but those may have been wrong as well. It actually does appear as if he will side with Captain America, especially after the closing credits scene that was shown in Ant-Man .
As Comic Book reveals, the two teams will face off against one another when the public ends up turning against superheroes. The federal government installs a governing body to determine when to enlist the services of the team.
Captain America doesn’t like the idea of the governing body and feels it will only cause more problems. Iron Man is for the whole idea, and thus starts the separation of the heroes and pitting them against one another — a Civil War .
Now, there is always the chance that other names could join in on the fight and fans simply don’t know about it yet. All of the names above are confirmed to be in the film, and Marvel head Kevin Feige has already said that Black Panther will be neutral.
But…what if Hulk (Mark Ruffalo) shows up?
Rumors came about this week that Hulk would show up in Captain America: Civil War , and that Mark Ruffalo was spotted on the set recently. Ruffalo was even seen partying it up with the cast, and very well could be in the film.
Production won’t say anything about it — to confirm or deny — and that’s not surprising as it would be a huge surprise. Now the question is — Who will Hulk side with? Rumor has it that he’ll side with Iron Man, but that remains to be seen.
Captain America: Civil War is set to hit theaters on May 6, 2016, and that is when everyone will finally know who sides with whom. Captain America and Iron Man are to set to face off, and it’s going to be an all-out war.
[Images via Marvel/IMPAwards/Heroichollywood]