Vanessa Trump’s Life Was Not Smooth Sailing All the Way

Since Vanessa Trump joined the contentious and politically charged Trump family in 2005, she has remained mainly out of the limelight. Vanessa was married to Donald Trump Jr. for nearly 13 years and the former couple welcomed five kids together. In March 2018, she filed for a divorce. Not only has her life not been perfect, but her introduction to the Trump family was less than stellar; she forgot Donald Jr.’s identity when they reconnected after their first encounter. However, the duo eventually got married. Here are a few other intriguing facts about Vanessa Trump’s life.
1. Vanessa’s Involvement With a Gangster
Valentin Rivera was Vanessa’s first love. Even at the tender age of eighteen, she saw Rivera as her soulmate and expressed an interest in starting a family with him. They met in primary school and immediately fell head over heels for one other. But Rivera was a gang member with a rather shady reputation. According to a friend who spoke to GQ , Trump even sought to adopt a mafia lifestyle and relished having a lover like that. After the revelation of her purported romance with Leonardo DiCaprio, Rivera ended his connection with Vanessa.
2. Nothing About Vanessa’s Home Life Was Perfect
In 2018, several sources reported that Trump Jr. and Vanessa’s domestic life isn’t as posh as it seems. One source revealed to Page Six , “He gives her very little help and has been keeping her on a tight budget. She doesn’t live a lavish life and can very rarely pick up a check at dinner.” (Unclear who is he, the comments suddenly starts and doesn’t mention the person). Another source also claimed, “Don Jr. was never generous with money. Vanessa has had to rely on her mother for financial help for her personal needs.” One more insider said, “He treats her like a second-class citizen.” The couple reportedly had marital issues before they even tied the knot. An insider spilled, “They were having problems before they even got married. People were telling her not to marry him before the wedding.”
3. Donald Jr. Engaged Vanessatoo Lure the Paparazzi
The New York Post reported that sources informed them that the jeweler, Bailey, Banks & Biddle, agreed to give Donald Jr. the ring for free in return for advertising, thus it was all a hoax and Vanessa may not have gotten the $100,000 ring when he proposed. The paparazzi and media teams were ready to record the moment when he proposed to his fiancée. Not only did the New York Post named Donald Jr. ‘the cheapest gazillionaire,’ but they also termed his proposal a ‘taste-deprived ceremony.’
4. That One Time Vanessa Received a ‘Threat’
In 2018, Vanessa Trump had a terrifying experience when she opened a mail meant for her husband and discovered it contained white powder along with a menacing message. According to ABC News , the letter stated, “You are an awful, awful person, I am surprised that your father lets you speak on TV. You make the family idiot, Eric, look smart. This is the reason why people hate you, so you are getting what you deserve.” She was sent to the hospital after contacting 911 and undergoing decontamination. Although the letter was ultimately found to be a false threat (the white substance was really cornstarch), reports indicated that it apparently disturbed Vanessa.
5. Donald Jr. Cheated On Her
After Vanessa’s divorce was revealed in 2018, a screenshot of one of Donald Jr.’s flirty messages from 2011 was released on Twitter by Melissa Stetten, a former model. The screenshot was captioned by Stetten with the words ‘surprised his marriage didn’t work out.’ She added that he had been sending her direct messages a month after his wife had given birth. In 2012, she allegedly learned of her husband’s romance with musician Aubrey O’Day, shattering her idea that she was completely oblivious to his internet activities. A source revealed to Page Six , “[Donald Jr.] pursued [Aubrey]. It was he who chased her. He told her that his marriage was already in the process of dissolving.”