Famous Personalities Who You Didn’t Know Were Adopted

In a lifetime meeting people who were adopted as kids is not a rarity. However, coming across celebrities and famous personalities who were actually adopted in their childhood gives away a fresh perspective. Brushing off the generic tales of unhinged childhood in a foster household here are five celebrities who were adopted. Needless to say these faces came across as a surprise to many including their fans and followers. They have not only understood the beauty of forging a sweet relationship with their parents but also set an example.
1. Jamie Foxx
During the shoot of an episode of the FOX game show, Beat Shazam, Jamie Foxx confessed about his childhood. When Foxx came across a couple in the game show who were praying to win the game to finance the education of their adopted kids, he became teary-eyed. Sharing about himself he said, “You know what’s amazing? I was adopted at seven months and I’m going to tell you what that means. My grandmother? That’s not actually my biological grandmother. That’s somebody who said, ‘I see something in that little boy that’s very special,'” as reported by Save The Storks .
2. Simone Biles
Simone Biles shared the story of her adoption in an emotional moment on Dancing With The Stars revealing her mom is not her biological mother. “My parents saved me. They’ve set huge examples of how to treat other people, and they’ve been there to support me since day one. There’s nothing I could say to them to thank them enough,” the Olympic gymnast shared. Biles’ grandfather and his wife adopted her, making them her mom and dad according to Today .
3. Bill Clinton
Bill Clinton was born to his widowed mum. He was then sent to live with his grandparents for a better upbringing. In the 1950s, the 42nd POTUS’ mother returned for him and remarried Roger Clinton Sr. Bill. Clinton’s relationship with his stepfather shaped him into a gentleman. According to Adoption.com Clinton once said, “We must work tirelessly to make sure that every boy and girl in America who is up for adoption has a family waiting to reach for him or her.” The Democrat politician is one of the two Presidents in the history of the USA who were adopted. The second President is Gerald Ford.
4. Nicole Richie
Nicole Richie daughter of legendary musician Lionel Richie is in fact his adopted daughter. Lionel knew Nicole’s parents closely as he witnessed them struggling to balance their relationship. According to Closer Online , in an interview with Piers Morgan the Hello singer said, “I knew her mother and father… and I said, ‘While you are having difficulty the kid is sitting in limbo. Put her in my house, when the tour is over we will sort this out.’” A year later, Richie legally adopted Nicole and gave her his surname.
5. Steve Jobs
After trying their best to have kids together, Paul and Clara Jobs adopted Steve Jobs. The founder of Apple grew up in Silicon Valley. However, as he grew up he met his biological sister Mona Simpson. According to The Telegraph , the techie went on to call Simpson “one of my best friends in the world.” However, the Silicon Valley tycoon has always asserted that Paul and Clara are his only parents no matter the blood relation. Despite having known his sibling Jobs denied knowing his biological parents.