If you picked up an Annual Pass for World of Warcraft and you’ve been wondering where your promised Mists of Pandaria beta invite is, check your mail; Blizzard said today that it’s in the process of sending out about 100,000 beta keys.
The first few rounds of Mists of Pandaria beta invites were sent to both Annual Pass holders and those who opted in to the beta, but for today’s big round of invites, those with an Annual Pass will be selected first over opt-ins–so chances are high that, if you have an Annual Pass, you’ll be getting your invite any minute now.
When the Mists of Pandaria beta kicked off last week, some Annual Pass holders were voicing complaints that they didn’t get in with the first round of invites. Blizzard says that the reason that many Annual Pass holders didn’t get in is that the developer is adding people to the beta slowly so as to avoid server problems that would arise from a massive influx of players.
“To do so, we need to make sure that our new systems remain stable as we add players. If we let everyone in at the exact same time, we risk damaging the stability of the service, and then no one would be able to play. We can’t let everyone in at the same time; however, all Annual Pass holders will be invited before any opt-ins.”
If you still don’t manage to get into the Mists of Pandaria beta after this latest round of invites, don’t fret–Blizzard says it will continue adding in players over the next couple of weeks.